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Strong Aurora Alert published for 21 US states on Sunday what know

Strong Aurora Alert published for 21 US states on Sunday what know




Northern lights can be visible in the United States this weekend and next week, when a cloud of particles charged with the sun arrives on earth when the magnetic field of our planet is at its weakest. Spatial meteorological forecasters warn a very strong geomagnetic storm of class G3 this weekend on Sunday, at night, Aurora could potentially be seen in the northern sky of 21 American states in the south that Nebraska and Indiana.

The NOAA Aurora line of view for Sunday, March 23, 2025 could mean northern lights to 21 United States … More states.

Key facts from the Noaa

The latest forecasts have a strong G3 geomagnetic storm striking on Sunday 23 March, a geomagnetic storm G1 Minor on Monday March 24 and a moderate G2 geomagnetic storm on Tuesday, March 25.

A rapid CME that left the sun on March 21 should arrive on Earth at the beginning of March 23, said a declaration of the Noaa, referring to the effects of a coronal mass ejection A dense cloud of loaded particles that left the sun on March 21 and seems to interact with the Earth's magnetic field.

According to the NOAA, the storms of the G3 can be seen as low as the Illinois and Oregon. It is planned to be also intense in KP 7, which means aurora shiny and active. Although infection, it will probably not be as strong as May 10, the extreme geomagnetic storm G5 Extreme G5, the most powerful for two decades.

Noaas Aurora Viewline has a lot, 21 American states can potentially see the Northern Lights on Sunday during the geomagnetic storm. They understand Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Northern Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont and Maine. The American states closest to the border with Canada will have the highest possibility of seeing Aurora.

With a last quarter of the moon on Saturday, there will be no moonlight in the evening sky during the potential spectacle, which will make it easier to see, although the best views will be exercised in a dark sky far from the lights of the city. A mainly clear sky is also essential.

What causes the Aurora this weekend

After a few quiet weeks on the sun, he woke up with several small solar thrusts the gusts of electromagnetic radiation of the sun which move at a light speed. Following a class M1 solar awakening, a CME left the sun after an eruptive event in the Sunnspot 4028 region. Above all, 4028 was at the center of the Suns disc at the time, which means that the CME it produced is directed by the earth. However, the CMEs take a few days to reach the earth. It is a CME effect on the magnetic field of the solar wind and the earth which causes a geomagnetic storm and a strong dawn.

Why the equinox of this week is critical

A CME created by a class M solar thrust would normally be nothing to excite. However, equinox Thursdays more likely make a major exhibition of Aurora. It is a weak CME and swimming, and normally would not cause a strong storm, reports However, the Russell-McPherron effect stimulates the effectiveness of the CMEs around the equinox. The Russell-McPherron effect bears the name of two scientists who have studied why Aurora is twice more likely around equinoxes. They concluded that cracks open in the magnetic field of the earth when the magnetic fields of the earth and the solar wind line up, the solar wind entering to cause geomagnetic storms when they would not normally do it.


Aurora is generally visible from the dawral oval in the polar regions around latitudes from 65 to 70 degrees to the north and the south, but during strong geomagnetic storms, this oval can swell, with screens then observed up to 40 degrees in the north and south. This occurs more frequently because the sun is currently solar, the peak of its 11 -year cycle during which its wax and saw magnetic activity.

Alert Alert Aurora to Lecterforbesequox: Nodernn Lights Possible Thursday in Usby Jamie Carter Forbesin Photos: Eclipse and Aurora of the jaw of the jaw of Alaskaby Jamie Carter Carter in North America to see the following weeks




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