Meta agrees to not track the manuscript in the UK, and the right to oppose advertising tracking

Tanya O'Carroll, a human rights activist, has succeeded in forcing social media giant meta not to use data on target advertising. This contract is included in the agreement on personal challenges raised in the 2022 meta tracking and profile ring.
O'Carroll is a legal right that can oppose the use of personal data in direct marketing included in the UK (and EU) data protection law, along with a right that users should no longer be processed for such a purpose, and trace the meta to respect her objection and provide a microphone -targeted advertisement. He insisted that he should stop.
Meta refuted this. “Personalized advertising” claims that it is not directly marketing. The case was scheduled to be heard in the UK High Court on Monday, but the agreement ends with legal measures.
O'Carroll is an individual's victory. Meta needs to stop using data for advertising targeting when using the service. She also believes that this agreement sets a precedent that can confidently exercise the same rights to other people who can directly oppose marketing in order to force others to respect personal information.
O'Carroll explained that after META agreed to the contents required by his legal measures (ie, in order not to process data for the target advertisement), there is little choice to agree with the consensus. If she proceeded and the lawsuit failed, she could face a considerable cost, she said.
“This is a sweet victory.” In many ways, I achieved what I set to achieve. In other words, proving that the object exists is to prove that it is exactly applied to META's business model and many other companies on the Internet.
“And I think that's true. Of course, it was not decided by law. Mesa still has no need to accept the responsibility.
The EU has long used comprehensive legal protection of people's information, such as the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), but the legal issue of the law O'Carroll is still based on a law based on the UK's domestic data protection framework, and it is still donated to implement a surveillance -based business model such as meta operation. It has been proven to be a proven rental.
Since the regime came into force in May 2018, the regulation of regulations has been conducted for many years in connection with various GDPR complaints about the company.
And META has built up a large number of GDPR fines, including the largest personal information site for technology, but it is more difficult for surveillance business models with no core consent. There is a signal that execution measures are finally disappearing in this position in Europe. And O'Carroll's example emphasizes that personal information protection pushback is possible.
“It is the ICO that gives me hope [U.K.’s Information Commissioner’s Office] O'Carroll intervened in this incident and performed a very convincing, convincing and convincing side, O'Carroll added. In addition, other meta users who oppose data processing suggest that if the ICO refuses to request the current request, the ICO may be more likely to support.
In other words, she thinks that the company will now switch to the UK's “salary or consent” model. This is the legal basis for the EU last year. To do this, you must agree to tracking and profile ring or meta to access versions without advertising in the service.
O'Carroll said he could not disclose the details of the no -tracking access meta. But she confirmed that she didn't have to pay the meta.
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