Minister of Foreign Affairs Mlanie Joly

Canada’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Mlanie Joly told BBC that she thought Canada can win the trade war that had been launched by a series of prices commanded by US President Donald Trump.
“We are the biggest customer in the United States,” JOLY told the World Service Weekend program of the BBC. “We buy more from Americans than China, Japan, the United Kingdom and France combined.”
Joly said that prices and prices are a priority for Canadians while voters are preparing to go to the polls to elect a new Prime Minister later this year.
The American president imposed prices of 25% on imports of steel and aluminum from Canada. Trump also promised to impose a range of “reciprocal” prices on April 2.
Joly said that because American and Canadian economies are so linked, “we have the most leverage in the world when it comes to the United States”.
She noted that it is not only Canadians feeling the pain of prices, but “workers' workers” too.
But Joly said it could be Americans who have managed the most to exhort the end of the trade war.
“We think that in the end, the only ones can help us win this war … are the Americans themselves because they are the ones who can send a message to their legislators,” she told the BBC.
“We can win the hearts and minds of the Americans, because in the end, it is those who pay for that,” she added, noting that American and Canadian jobs are at risk because of the prices.
Trump promised to impose other rates in Canada and other countries around the world, on April 2, calling these “the big” prices.
Canadian Prime Minister Mark Carney has promised to impose reciprocal prices if Trump's pricing threats are materialized.
He will lead to a several weeks between the countries of North America.
Look: you don't have the cards – how to play poker against Trump
The frustration of the trade war has led some Canadians to begin to protest.
In Toronto on Saturday, Canadians are a “elbow” demonstration to postpone President Trump's declared desire to make Canada on the 51st state of the United States and the current trade war.
The sentence, used in hockey to describe defense or response, was reused by demonstrators in Canada.
In the interview with the BBC World Service Weekend, Joly was also interviewed in the next federal elections. The reports suggest that Prime Minister Carney may soon ask for elections at an instant.
She said that the Liberal Party was “very eager” to make sure that Canadians give the “a clear mandate” party to deal with Trump and the threat of prices.
Joly said that Canadians are “concerned” by what's going on in the White House and that they are looking for a Prime Minister who has “high values”.
The race will probably come down to a choice between Carney and the conservative chief Pierre Hairyvre.
Why does Trump use prices?
Prices are a central element of Trump's overall economic vision.
He says that prices will stimulate the manufacture of the United States and protect jobs, increase tax revenue and the growth of the domestic economy.
He also wants to restore the commercial balance of America with its foreign partners – reducing the gap that exists between the importance and American exports of the United States to individual countries.
But he refused to exclude the prospect of a recession following his commercial policies, which strongly made us advance the actions in the days preceding the rates of the metal.
The American secretary of trade, Howard Lungick, said later that the prices “were worth the sentence” even if they had led to an economic slowdown.
Trump's prices initially targeted the goods from China, Mexico and Canada.
These represented more than 40% of imports to the United States in 2024.
But Trump accused the three countries of not doing enough to end the flow of illegal migrants and drugs such as fentanyl in the United States.
The three countries have rejected the accusations.
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