Venezuela to resume the repatriation of migrants after taking care of us

Venezuela will resume thefts for its nationals expelled by the United States, after having concluded an agreement with the Trump administration.
Venezuela, which has no diplomatic relations with the United States, initially agreed to accept the deportees in February. But President Nicols Maduro interrupted flights in March after a dispute with the Trump administration.
“Tomorrow, thanks to the government's perseverance, we will take flights to continue to save and release migrants from prisons in the United States,” said Maduro in a television address on Saturday, Reuters reports.
The White House and the US State Department did not respond to requests for comments from the BBC.
Trump's special envoy, Richard Grenell, had initially negotiated an agreement with the government of Venezuela to bring back its expelled citizens from the United States.
“Venezuela agreed to receive, in their country, all the illegal foreigners of Venezuela who were camped in the United States, including the members of Gangs of Tren of Aragua,” wrote Trump on Truth Social at the time. “Venezuela has also agreed to restore transport.”
But Maduro interrupted the expulsion flights from the United States on March 8, after the US Treasury Department suspended the permission of the Chevron energy giant to export Venezuela oil, the AP reported.
On March 15, the Trump administration expelled 238 Venezuelans, who, according to them, belonged to the Gang Tren in Aragua, Salvador, where they were detained in a Mega-Prison.
The administration did not appoint the expelled persons or provided details on their alleged criminal behavior
In a statement published on Saturday, Jorge Rodrguez, president of the National Assembly of Venezuela, seemed to address the issue of Venezuelan nationals currently organized in Salvador.
He said Venezuela accepted an agreement to ensure “the return of our compatriots to their nation with the safeguard of their human rights,” said AP.
“Migration is not a crime, and we will not rest until everyone who wants to come back are back and we save our brothers kidnapped in Salvador.”
Trump used the law on extraterrestrial enemies of 1798 as a legal basis to withdraw 137 of these Venezuelan deportees, which immediately aroused legal dispute.
A federal judge in Washington, DC sought to block expulsion flights to El Salvador via a verbal order.
However, the planes landed in Salvador, and the president of the country Nayib Bukele posted on social networks that the intervention was “too late”.
The White House has faced allegations to challenge the judge's order, which it refutes.
Judge James Boesberg demanded more details from a government lawyer at a hearing on Friday.
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