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Venezuela reaches the agreement to accept the expulsion flights from us

Venezuela reaches the agreement to accept the expulsion flights from us



Venezuela will again accept the repatriation flights of the United States carrying its deported nationals after concluding an agreement with the United States, a Venezuelan official on social networks said on Saturday.

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro suspended the flights on March 8, after the US Treasury Department announced the withdrawal of the Chevron license to export Venezuelan oil.

“We have agreed with the American government to resume the repatriation of Venezuelan migrants with an initial flight tomorrow on Sunday,” said Jorge Rodríguez, president of the Venezuela Assembly and Maduro Chief Negotiator with the United States

Venezuela accepted the agreement to guarantee “the return of our compatriots to their nation with the safeguard of their human rights,” said Rodríguez.

In his declaration, Rodríguez referred to the eviction by the government of President Trump of several hundred Venezuelans to a high security prison in Salvador.

“Migration is not a crime and we will not rest until we have reached the return of all those who need it and until we saved our brothers kidnapped in Salvador,” said Rodríguez.

Maduro ratified the measure during a public event later during the day. “We take flights to save and release migrants from American prisons,” said Maduro.

The Venezuelan chief also said that he had held the president of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, responsible for the well-being of the Venezuelans expelled in this country.

“You guarantee their health and, as soon as possible, you have to put them back and release them because they are kidnapped,” said Maduro.

The Minister of the Interior of Venezuela, Diosdado Cabello, descends on a plane after the arrival of 311 Venezuelan migrants at Simon Bolivar International Airport in Maicetia, Venezuela, on March 20, 2025. Venezuela called on a plane of its citizens by making American migrants whose trip came to a premature end while Washington making American immigrants. Pedro Mattey / AFP via Getty Images

Trump alleged that the deportees were members of the Aragua gang Tren. He described the Tren as Aragua a force of invasion on March 15 when he invoked the law on extraterrestrial enemies, an unused authority of 1798 which allows the president to deport any non-citizen in wartime. A federal judge temporarily made an order unless expulsions, but thefts were in the air when the decision fell.

Tren de Aragua, which the American State Department has appointed a foreign terrorist organization, is from a prison in the South American country. The members have accompanied an exodus of millions of Venezuelans, the overwhelming majority of which sought better living conditions after the economy of their nation has failed in the last decade.

The Trump administration has not proven that the deportees are members of Tren from Aragua or that they have committed a crime in the United States

CBS News obtained a list of the names of the 238 Venezuelan men who were expelled in Salvador last weekend aboard these three flights. US officials said 137 of them were treated as “enemy foreigners” and were withdrawn from the country under 18th century law. The other 101 were expelled as part of regular immigration procedures, officials said.

The documents obtained by CBS News have shown that at least one of the expelled men, a 26-year-old hairdresser from Venezuela, has no criminal record in the United States, and Venezuelan officials said there were no files either.

The Maduro government has mainly refused the entry of the United States immigrants expelled, these evictions clearly resumed since Trump took office on January 20.

In recent weeks, some 350 people have been expelled in Venezuela, including some 180 which have spent up to 16 days at the American naval base of Guantanamo Bay, in Cuba.

The Trump administration said the Venezuelans sent to Guantanamo are members of Tren from Aragua, but have offered little evidence to support this.

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