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The United States has exhorted to think bigger on health care in the middle of the assault on the sector | US Healthcare

The United States has exhorted to think bigger on health care in the middle of the assault on the sector | US Healthcare



An academic review can inject some optimism into American health policy a rare goods in the midst of mass layoffs of Trump administrations, financing gels and ideological research reviews.

A new issue of Sanet Affairs Scholar maintains that the conversation on health care can change and radically if academics think that the largest and political decision -makers invest in their communities.

We saw what happened in the public outcry of the murder of the CEO of United Healthcare, said Dr. Victor Roy, family doctor and director of the New York New York School and Political Economy.

There is a feeling that people have enough and people are looking for larger alternatives. People really have visceral feelings around these problems and we have a way to approach them if people offer ideas on the scale of the challenges that people experience.

Health policy quickly became a major Maga touchstone (rendering America again) because the Trump administration undertakes a shock and fear campaign that has radically changed public health establishments.

In a few weeks to a few weeks, the administration rubbed the web health of the information government on women and racial minorities, examined billions of scientific subsidies for the compliance with the calendar of presidents, and confirmed the first critic of nations health, Robert F Kennedy Jr, as Nations Health at the Ministry of Health and Human Services. The administration also said that she would withdraw the United States from the World Health Organization (WHO), which she helped to find in 1948.

In addition, the Congress Republicans have launched major discounts in Medicaid, a health insurance program for low income and the disabled which ensures around 72 million Americans, to extend the tax reductions that largely benefit the rich.

But even apart from recent upheavals, the extent of challenges to American health care is something to do: the United States spends more health care than almost any other country as part of the gross domestic product, but has some of the worst results among the developed democracies. It is a global aberrant value not to offer universal health care and one of the few countries that allows its citizens to be failed by medical debt.

How to fix it? Do not brick on the edges, maintains Roy. Instead, see solutions upstream to health problems. Abandon the accounts on the deserving. Examine what works in cities and states.

In an interview, Roy cited the example of the Philadelphia Joy Bank a small program that offers pregnant women and postpartum a basic income of $ 1,000. This money is not accompanied by any asked, which is a world of difference with traditional well-being or temporary assistance for families in need (Tanf).

Tanf once provided temporary cash assistance to the poor. Since the reforms of the well-being of the Clinton era, the program has been drained by resources; His small payments have lost the place of inflation and work requirements have been selected with many insurmountable bureaucratic barriers.

In Connecticut, legislators have created bonds for babies at first by country, a small investment account for each low -income child born in the state. The program provides $ 3,200 per child invested on the market and can be used to buy a house, start a business or pay for higher education or retirement.

In Washington DC, American Economic Liberties Project reformers use the lessons of recent anti-trust victories to put pressure for a glass care project. The initiative, entitled Break Up Big Medicine, refers to the legislation of the New Deal E-Regall which separated the investment banks from commercial banks.

Other articles in the number offer home care cooperatives, to provide better working conditions to home care workers at the Baby-Boomers age; Reinvest in public hospitals and the public production of pharmaceuticals, such as California 100 million investments in the local production of public insulin; Or to provide social insurance for the times when people cannot work.

The approaches in force of the health policy leave people in America, in particular rural and low -income residents and the people of historically marginalized communities, said Kathryn Phillips, editor -in -chief of the health affairs scholarship holder, in a statement on the issue.

Political decision -makers should know that there is another means of an approach that favors investments in patients, communities and clinicians and health workers.




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