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Concerns for security to travel to us: American trips losing the call? Travel agents now advise customers to avoid the United States on the rise in security problems

Concerns for security to travel to us: American trips losing the call? Travel agents now advise customers to avoid the United States on the rise in security problems



After the United States government has intensified repression against immigration as well as the increase in border security restricting the entry or detention of tourists, more Canadian travel agents advise customers to cancel trips to the United States, citing security and detention problems, according to a report.

Tourists are worried and also canceled the plans after information emerged that US immigration and customs forces (ICE) had at least held four tourists, three in Europe and one in Canada, Salon reported.

Canadian travel agents advise against the United States, tripscanadian trip agent Micheline Dion, said: “No one wants to go into a possible volatile situation and he is still wightly refused entry,” said living room. Like the report, it had previously warned its customers so as not to use the US dollars in other countries and suggested leaving the American airport closest to Buffalo, NY and recommending that they recommend their trips, according to Dion.

Dion told Salon during an interview: “As long as there is no stability in the United States, we will not feel safe or confident to come back”, as mentioned in the report.

Live Eventsseven, the independent advisor of independent trips based in Ontario, Karen Wiese, said: “Facing a possible detention is terrifying for anyone who wants to go to a destination”, as quoted by Salon. Wiese said: “I am absolutely for my clients who go to a different destination to avoid everything that can happen,” said Salon. Tourists held by a Canadian traveler, Jasmine Mooney, who was detained for 12 days by visa concerns, shared, “travel warnings on both the American border authorities began to increase their examination of tourists, foreign governments have evolved towards travel opinions for citizens who plan to go to the United States, according to the report. Visas ESTA does not guarantee them entry to the United States, said living room.

According to Salon, the United Kingdom has published a travel notice and Germany has updated its opinion after having already issued a warning for transgender and sexospecific citizens who wish to travel to America, lounge reported.

Are FAQSWHY more travel agents who advise against American trips? Many travel agents are concerned about the security of their customers due to an in -depth examination and detention on the American borders in the context of current immigration policies, Salon said.

How do customers think of visiting the United States now? Many feel anxious and dangerous, some reluctant to visit the United States for fear of being taken in a volatile situation.

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