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NESO to investigate hydro power loss

NESO to investigate hydro power loss



The Energy Secretary requested an independent national energy system operator to investigate the airport and surrounding areas to investigate the independent national energy system.

Ed Miliband is officially starting to investigate using Energy Act PowerS in cooperation with OFGEM. This is followed by the actions taken to restore power to all customers affected yesterday.

The NESOS survey will support the situation surrounding the case and the efforts to build a more extensive UKS energy elasticity.

The government's change plan is to rebuild British elasticity, including enhancing national energy security with its own power. Apart from this, the elasticity review led by the cabinet office is in progress and will be concluded in spring.

Energy assistant Edmill band said:

Due to the loss of power in the Hydro region, thousands of people and many businesses have caused great interruption. We decided to understand what happened and what lessons to learn.

Therefore, the reason for working with OFGEM was to conduct a survey of the National Energy System operator today and to understand a wider lesson to learn about the energy elasticity of the important national infrastructure of the present and the future.

The government decided to do its best to avoid repeating what happened in Heathrow. This review will be an important step that will help you do so as you provide a change plan.

Heidi Alexander Traffic said:

The incident caused a significant confusion, but Heatrow, National Grid, and our emergency services were quick to travel again.

Heathrow is a large airport that uses the energy of a small city, so we identify how this blackout has occurred and identify how to learn from this so that the important parts of the national infrastructure are strongly maintained.

While Heathrow returns to the business, some confusion is expected for a few days that comes back to the top, so it is recommended that the traveler checks in and plans a traveler.

Akshay Kaul, the infrastructure of OFGEM, said:

We saw the great confusion that came when the energy supply was stopped yesterday, and its importance understands how it happened now. Furniture and businesses should be able to be confident in the elasticity of important national infrastructure, and OFGEM will work as far as possible to take action with the government and others so that the NESOS review will not be repeated in the future.

We will not hesitate, as long as we find a violation of standard or license obligations in the review.

NESO chief executive FINTAN SLYE said:

NESO welcomes the government committee. Review the power outage that affects Hydro and the surrounding area. We will now work with all related stakeholders to understand the lessons that can be learned to improve the future elasticity of the UK energy system.

NESO will work with other institutions, including Heathrow Airport, to thoroughly investigate the cause of the event.

For more information on the scope of survey and the terms of reference, energy assistants, OFGEM and NESO will be published in the future.

NESO is expected to report to Desnz and OFGEM through early detection within 6 weeks.




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