British scientists have forgotten the main lessons of Kobid. covid

The major scientific lessons learned by Covid-19 Pandemic are forgotten, British scientists warned.
The researchers commemorated the 5th anniversary of the introduction of the lock announced by Prime Minister Boris Johnson on March 23, 2020, raising the war.
This decision has decided to prevent NHS hospitals from falling into a swamp by serious patients with hundreds of thousands of new hospitals.
But if another deadly virus appears in the near future, there is no evidence that health services will be better today, scientists said.
Rowland Kao, a professor at Edinburgh University, said that every winter, Covid became very close to the edge. When the disease arrived, the NHS was no longer in a position to be taken. And there are no signs of different next time. In fact, it will get worse.
There is no evidence that the state has closed the state and understands the triggered psychological results.
Dominic Abrams, a professor of social psychology at Kent University, said it may be moderately effective in reducing infections, but underestimated the need for connections, contact and community. Social and psychological scars are wide and deep.
Scientists said there was no attempt to understand the usefulness and importance of social measures such as social distances since 2020. Photo: MauREEN MCLEAN/Rex/SHUTTERSTOCK
According to Professor Paul Hunter at the University of East Anglia, there was no attempt to understand their usefulness and importance while the use of social distance, mask wearing and side flow tests was widely used.
My big regret [NPIs]He said. We know that the NPI reduces transmission. However, it is still not clear whether the benefits surpass the damage.
The international impact was emphasized by Andrew Shepherd, director of chronic poverty advisory network. Lock is not suitable for all countries. During the epidemic period, the wealthy countries have put pressure on the low -income and mid -income countries.
Most of these countries were not in a position to alleviate the losses of jobs, income and business in the same way as in the UK, and the result was a tremendous poverty, which would take several years to recover.
Dr. Michael, Dr. Michael at Southamp Turn University, admitted that closure is an important component of all fashionability reactions. But we need a smarter locker to reduce the transmission and shorten the length.
This anniversary is also represented by the family of Justice UK Group by the Covid-19 CEEDEAVED family. The group wrote a letter to the minister, Rachel Reeves, and urged not to proceed with the proposed plan to reduce the disability.
The widespread inequality contributed to the best UKS [Covid-19] Tolls of death, letters appear.
People with disabilities were 11 times more likely to die as Covid-19 than those with disabilities. The government plans to reduce disability benefits, lead more people to poverty, and prepare for future infectious diseases.
The government has promised to learn from infectious diseases, but it seems that they are suffering from the loss of cobby in memory by forgetting the fatal costs of lack of funds and the fatal cost of public services.
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