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The spring statement brings a day of calculation for England.

The spring statement brings a day of calculation for England.



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hello. Welcome to the week. Or in the current UK, it is weak and does not actually work.

Most of the British News and Economic Desk's colleagues and London newsrooms will be a spring statement for the Westminster Parliament.

The first thing to watch is to revise the growth forecasting or lack of growth in the office for budget liability. The GDP estimates will be worse than expected when the prediction of last year's budget is announced. OBR should downgrade this year's growth level from 2 %to 1.3 %, even if you keep your views on the rest of the 2025. My fellow Chris Giles believes that OBR is more likely to fall in half to about 1 %.

The main change in prediction is higher than the expected interest rate, which increases the cost of government debt service by 0.3 % of the annual GDP. In order to balance everyday public spending by 2029-30, it is enough to erase the headroom against the major financial rules in October.

Given the commitment to stability and growth, all of this's net results will be slightly balanced with department spending on the rest of the council than the previously planned welfare reductions with welfare published last week and planning books earlier. Do not expect tax changes to wait for this fall budget speech. The ambition of treasure this week will be boring. Reeves speech starts at 12:30 pm on Wednesday.

I have to emphasize the lesson of the diary, but in the next seven days, the most important event, the US and Russia, about the Ukrainian war hosted by Saudi Arabia. Financial Time Subscribers can analyze FT experts on the development of the battlefield, European capital and US foreign policy through the exclusive web seminar between 1 pm and 2 pm this Thursday. Register here. In other news, Wednesday is the 25th anniversary of President Vladimir Putin, who was elected President Vladimir Putin. Just tell me.

The new Grand Union in Germany will take place in the 21st Bundestag on Tuesday as the New Council is convened after the last few months. The newly appointed Friedrich Merz presides over the Christian Democratic Union with the Social Democratic Party, but the extreme alternatives for Germany and the left left die will have more than one third in the new Bundestag.

In Asia, there will be expectations for more information on the Chinese plan to stimulate the domestic economy. Boao forum for Asia (BFA) starts a four -day annual meeting in China on Tuesday, and is often considered as an answer to the region for the World Economic Forum Conference in Davos.

In a relatively thin -week -long import announcement, British Retailer Next will be one of the noticeable reports. When the number is published on Thursday, the annual profit, which exceeds 10 billion for the first time, is expected to increase by 10 %. It will focus on the interest in the perspective of the companion's perspective on the British consumer trust (previous pessimistic), the impact of the increase in national insurance, and the increase in national insurance on employment decisions.

For the next seven days, the G7 economy comparison through the German IFO and US consumer trust surveys for the next seven days: Comparison of the G7 economy. However, there are also important data reports such as personal income and durable product ordering of the US, inflation, inflation, retail and trading data, the UK, French, Spanish and Japanese inflation number, Germany unemployment and Australias Monthly GDP estimates. For more information about these items and other items below.

One more …

The euro rises in the spring on Sunday. Is there anything better about time? If you send an email to, click Reply if you are reading this article in the letter you received.

And finally, thank you to everyone who suggested ideas for the birthday treatment of age for the youngest child. It was the best advice to keep it simply, so we went to see him a super stylish spy flick black bag that included the cameo of the FTS London headquarters at the entrance to the secret service organization. I recommend watching a movie according to the FTS review. But refrain from cry. This position insight does not love you to fellow movie visitors or teenagers.

Major economy and company report

The following is a more complete list of things to expect from the company report and economic data this week.


Andrew Bailey Bank President Andrew Bailey is a speaker of the University of Leicester Chancellors, who talks about the growth of the British economy.

HARGREAVES LANSDOWNS acquisition by a consortium consisting of CVC Advisers, Nordic Capital XI DELTA, SCSP and Platinum Ivy

Eurozone, France, Germany, India, Japan, the United Kingdom, US: S & P Global/HCOB/HSBC Flash Service

Result: Science Group FY, Social Houseing Reit FY


Hosted by HSBC Global Investment Summit and Bank Chairman Mark Tucker in Hong Kong. For two days, speakers include Hong Kong Finance Minister Paul Chan Mo-Po and Hong Kong chief executive John Lee.

Shell publishes annual reports, including the details of the CEO Wael Sawans Pay package.

Germany: IFO Business Climate Index

Japan: The last monetary policy meeting

Spain: February producer price index (PPI) inflation rate data

US: Conference board march march consumption index

Result: Ag Barr Fy, Ashtead Technology Fy, Bellway Hy, Fevertree Drinks Fy, Heidelberg Materials Fy, Henry Boot FY, IP Group Fy, Kingfisher Fy, McCormick & Company Q1, Regional Reit FY, Smiths Group, Tullow Oil FY


Australia: February Consumer Price Index (CPI) Inflation Rate Data

France: Start a consumer trust survey

Japan: February service PPI inflation rate data

UK: February CPI and PPI inflation data. Also, the British housing price index

Result: Cintas Q3, Commerzbank Fy, Dollar Tree Q4, Evoke Fy, Exor Fy, Paychex Q3, Porsche Fy, Vistry Group FY


EU: European Central Bank General Assembly Meeting

Britain: British Bank February Capital issuance figures

USA: Revised Q4 GDP Estimates and Weekly Export Sales Number

Results: M & C SAATCHI FY, H & M Q1, James Halstead Hy, Lululeman Athletica Q4, Daum FY


Boohoo shareholders vote for the name change of Debenhams Group

Canada: January GDP estimation

France: February PPI and March CPI Inflation Rate Data

Germany: February labor market statistics. Also, March GFK Consumer Climate Survey

UK: Revised Q4 GDP estimates and UK retail sales figures in February

US: February employment figures. Also February personal income data

World event

Finally, there are other events and milestones this week.


Canada: Congress resumes business.

Southeast Asia: Asia Development Bank issues an Asian economic integration report.

Japan: President of Luiz Incio Lula da Silva, President of Brazil, arrives in Tokyo and arrives for a state visit, including a meeting with the emperor and Prime Minister Shigeru Isiva.


Australia: Budget Night, when Jim Chalmers finance announces an annual federal statement to the Canberra Council at 7:30 local time. The labor government, which is preparing for elections, is facing pressure to increase the cost of living without adding things that can cause inflation.

China: The Boao Forum for Asia begins

Germany: The 21st Bundestag, the German Federal Parliament, meets for inauguration after the February 23rd election.

Greece: Independence Day

UK: President Ashley Alder and CEO Nikhil Rathi appear in front of the Treasury Choice Committee to answer questions about the work of regulatory institutions.


Bangladesh: Independence Day

Germany: The Countrys Constitutional Court decides whether the taxpayer should continue to introduce the so -called solidarity tax introduced after German unification 30 years ago. If the court is with the manuscript, about 12 billion federal tax revenues may be in danger every year, and potentially additional tension in the state vault.

Russia: The 25th anniversary of President Vladimir Putin, elected President Vladimir Putin

Britain: Minister Rachel Reeves publishes a spring statement to Congress, and the budget liability office will announce the spring economy and fiscal predictions.


Myanmar: A military day commemorating 80 years after the conflict with the Japanese army in World War II. Myanmar has been in crisis since he arrested the elected government members led by Aung San Suu KYI in February 2021.

UK: The world's first person who was convicted of the former Citigroup and UBS merchant Tom Hayes and the Interbank London Interbank was convicted of the world's first person, who was convicted of his conviction in the Supreme Court. His appeal will be heard with the appeal of former Barclays merchant Carlo Palombo.


British: British party reforms are preparing for public meetings at UTILITA Arena. Birmingham was charged as the largest event that started the local election campaign on May 1, and established a momentum for elections in Runcorn.


Japan: Prime Minister Ishi Bai Hiba, along with the Secretary of Defense, PETE HEGSETH, and the US Secretary of Defense on the Io Jima Pacific Island, to commemorate the joint commemoration to commemorate the fierce battle of World War II and the famous American Marine Corps image image image to commemorate the joint ceremony to commemorate the location of the famous American Marine Corps image image I will join with the Secretary of Defense. HegSeth is likely to lobby Japan to increase defense spending.



EU: Europe's daylight saving time begins

England: British summer time begins. Also Sunday mother

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