Venezuela to resume acceptance of American repatriation flightsExBulletin

Venezuelans migrants deported by the United States will land from a plane at Simon Bolivar International Airport in Guaira, Venezuela, on February 20.
Toggle legend Javier Campos / Getty Images
Venezuela has announced that it would regain acceptance of the thefts of its citizens who are expelled by the American immigration authorities.
Jorge Rodriguez, president of the National Assembly of Venezuela, said on a position on social networks on Saturday that repatriation flights would start again on Sunday. “Migration is not a crime,” he added.
Rodriguez, who has negotiated US officials on immigration issues, said the Venezuelan authorities “will rest” until they get the return of citizens who need it.
The White House did not immediately respond to the request for NPR comments on Sunday.
In his statement, Rodriguez also alluded to the expulsion of certain Venezuelans in El Salvador earlier in March, when President Trump invoked the law on extraterrestrial enemies of 1798 in order to target the alleged members of a violent Venezuelan prison group.
A total of 238 Venezuelans were expelled in this operation, which remains under surveillance by a federal judge who had attempted to block expulsion flights and continues to search for the Trump administration on the reasons for which they went forward. Of the 238, the Trump administration said that 137 people had been expelled under the Act respecting extraterrestrial enemies and that 101 had been expelled as part of a regular immigration procedure.
Venezuela president Nicols Maduro called on the return of Venezuelan migrants sent by the United States to Salvador, where President Nayib Bukele said they had been transferred in a Mega-Prison known as Cecot.
Families of some of the Venezuelans who have been expelled challenged the government's assertions that men had gang ties.
Maduro said Venezuelan migrants had been kidnapped.
Venezuela stopped accepting the United States's repatriation flights on March 8. He came after Trump announced that the United States would cancel the Biden era license which enabled Chevron to California to extract and export from Venezuela oil, a great source of income for the country.
But last week, the Secretary of State, Marco Rubio, warned that the Trump administration would impose “new, serious and growing sanctions” in the country unless it starts to accept migrants again.
Carrie Kahn contributed Rio de Janeiro's reports.
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