The only thing that is still working: transcends international relationships written by the Tomb of War Tombs in Russia and the United Kingdom | World War I

In Murmansk's grave, Russia in Arkhangelsk and VLADIVOStok has 663 British employees. Most of the dead immediately after World War I have been sent to the Bolsheviki Civil War with the Bolsheviki Civil War, and when the Allied army was dispatched to support the right wing white, 41 is the casualty of the Second World War Arctic congregation.
Their resting place tends to be decades by the Russian army and private contractors paid by the UKS Common Wells War Graves Committee. But after the invasion of Vladimir Putin vs. Ukraine, economic sanctions meant that Britain could no longer pay money to maintain the grave.
But the two countries have come to private understanding. The Commission has continued to maintain 674 Soviet tombs in cemetery around the United Kingdom and around the world, and I believe that the Russians are doing the same thing for 663 British soldiers.
Gareth Hardware, the head of commission regions in the UK and northern countries, is still maintained, but still remained. We maintain their grave in the cemetery.
The public officials of the committee, where the UK and other federal countries support funds, believe that the majority of the tomb tend to be tended to be by the Russian Navy, and the private contractor continues to supervise the conspiracy at Arhanzelsk. We can't pay him now, but we've confirmed that we will do it when we can do so, the spokesman said.
Last summer, amateur Russian historians took pictures of the tomb at Aranzel Screed and seemed to be in good condition. The cemetery seems to be very well maintained. Someone wrote in a blog post even when it was difficult.
The British diplomat at the Embassy of Moscow reported last year that the cemetery was in good condition with Murmansk on a memorable anniversary with Russian opponents.
At a committee meeting held at the Royal United Services Institute in London last week, the Russian welcomed the clear respect for British deaths. Peter Hudson, vice president of the committee, said:
The relationship between London and Moscow was so relaxed, and early this month, Britain was indicted by the Foreign Intelligence Service for being accused of deriving Donald Trump's attempts in a peace negotiations.
John ForeMan, who worked as a British Defense Ministry in Moscow from 2019 to 2022 and visited everything except eight Commonwealth War Cemetery or Memorial, said it was a sign of how bad the relationship was between the two countries that there was no treaty that dominated Graves' nature. He said that this is a very difficult problem in Russia because there is no treaty for all casualties in the 20th century. I insisted on an official agreement while there.
It is much more difficult for Ukrainian occupation creams, where massive burial sites that accommodate the remains of British soldiers in the Crimean War are already built or weakened. Forman added that they did not see the vision, and Forman added that British diplomats from Moscow and Kiev did not arrive there during the war.
DIRK Backen, Secretary -General of the German War Graves Committee, is still working with Russia despite his relationship with Moscow. He is still the only thing to work, he said. His committee supervises 600,000 German graves in other previous areas of Russia and Eastern Front. As a result of World War II, about 760,000,000 Soviet citizens were buried in Germany.
Every year we will recover red military soldiers in Germany and provide them with the right grave in Germany, he said. Russian ambassadors are invited, but they can't speak in front of a TV camera. [to repeat] The story explains why everything in Ukraine is justified.
The world's commission cemetery has a green grassy grassy grassy grass designed to remind the British garden. In addition to international relations, climate change is a challenge, and the committee will be reinstated to have more sustainability over time through less controlled appearance in local plants and many regions, the committee said.
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