An agreement in the desert? The United States and Ukraine meet before Russian ceasefire talks

American negotiators hold talks in the Saudi capital Riyadh with their Ukrainian counterparts and separately with the Russians on Monday.
Washington’s goal is to provoke an immediate partial partial ceasefire in Ukraine, followed by a complete peace agreement.
So, could these Riyadh talks produce the breakthrough that many hoped?
It depends on who you listen to.
“I think he (Putin) wants peace,” said the personal envoy of President Trump, Steve Witkoff, adding: “I think you will see in Saudi Arabia real progress on Monday.”
However, Dmitry Peskov, the Kremlin spokesperson, has attenuated expectations. “We are only at the start of this path,” he told Russian State TV.
Kyiv suffered one of his heaviest Russian drone attacks on Saturday evening, with three people killed, including a five -year -old girl.
“We have to push Putin to give a real order to stop strikes,” the president of Ukraine, Volodyr Zelensky, said on Sunday in his evening speech. “The one who brought this war must withdraw it.”
The Kremlin, on the other hand, does not seem to be in a hurry to register for a ceasefire, with Vladimir Putin adding many “nuances”, or prerequisites, before accepting the 30-day cease-fire proposed by Washington and accepted by Kyiv.
In Riyadh, the US-Ukraine talks started shortly after nightfall on Sunday, behind closed doors in one of the many luxury establishments in Saudi Arabia, with the Ukrainian delegation led by the Minister of Defense of the country, Rustem Umerov.
It was, he said, “technical” discussions, focusing on the best way to protect energy facilities and critical infrastructure.
The shipping routes of the Black Sea are also under discussion, Russia would have revived an agreement which allowed Ukraine to export cereals from its ports without being attacked, in exchange for rescue against sanctions.
The two parties, Russia and Ukraine, led extremely destructive attacks against the infrastructure of the other.
Moscow has sought to dive the population of Ukraine in the cold and the darkness by targeting its electricity production, while kyiv managed to succeed in his long -range drone strikes which struck Russian oil installations essential to his war effort.
President Trump wants a rapid end to this war, the worst of Europe since 1945 and which led to combined victims on both sides of hundreds of thousands of men killed, captured, injured or disappeared.
The leadership of Ukraine, still bruised with this catastrophic row of the oval office last month, endeavors to convince Washington that it is not the obstacle to peace.
When the Americans proposed a complete 30-day ceasefire on the land, the sea and in the air during the talks in Djeddah this month, Ukraine quickly accepted the conditions.
The balloon said that US Secretary of State Marco Rubio at the time was now before the Russian Court.
But despite the American failure to ensure that Moscow accepts this ceasefire, the Trump administration has little or no pressure, at least not in public, on Russia to comply. In fact, completely the opposite.
In an interview this weekend with the pro-Trump Tucker Carlson journalist Steve Witkoff, the man at the head of the American campaign for a ceasefire, seemed to take a completely contradiction with that of Europe.
Ukraine, he suggested, was “a false country”, Russia had been provoked and Putin was a man of his word to whom one could trust.
Witkoff, a former New York real estate developer and Donald Trump golf partner, also rejected the efforts of Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer to develop a military force to help protect a possible peace agreement in Ukraine, calling it “a posture and a pose”.
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