Trump is targeting illegal immigration to the border of the United States-Canada. Here's how some migrants go through it.

New York sheriff in the North of New York, whose county is found along the border of the United States-Canada, attributes to President Trump's immigration policies for a recent lull in illegal immigration, but warned that he did not believe that calm will last.
Sheriff David Favro supervises Clinton County, New York, which includes around 28 miles from the North border region, customs and American border protection call the Swanton sector. Last year, there were more illegal passages in the Swanton sector than during the previous 17 years combined, with more than 19,000 migrants arrested. Favro, a sixties democrat and sheriff, said there had been a recent lull.
“Today, our state of mind is:” When something will happen? “This is the big concern.” When will something happen? When the figures are declining, it becomes strangely silent and we worry in some way of calm. “
How some migrants cross the border of the United States-Canada
While the southern border saw 1.5 million illegal passages last year, there were less than 24,000 illegal passages from Canada. Last year, more than 80% of migrants apprehensions to the northern border occurred in the Swanton sector.
The migrants arrested last year came from 97 countries, but mainly came from India and Mexico. They meet all year round, even through blizzards. In the middle of winter, the authorities react every week to the 911 migrant calls. Six Haitians, including a 9 -year -old girl, got lost in the woods and some were hospitalized for serious injuries in January. Last month, a man from Spain underwent serious frills.
“They are a lot against. And the worst thing they face is the freezing cold, because the temperatures, you walk in the snow and your pants wet, your boots will end up soaking, and they don't even realize,” said Favro. “They are so desperate and so fast to try to arrive where they want to be, that they do not realize the frostbite that settles. And it is one of the greatest dangers.”
Favro said that he would never forget the death of Ana Vazquez-Flores, a deceased pregnant woman while traveling the border in the snow in 2023. Vazquez-Flores and her husband had found a Colombian living in Quebec who announced smuggling services in Tiktok. They had hired him to guide Vazquez-Flores on the other side of the border.
A memorial for Ana Vazquez-Flores 60 minutes
The search for “border excursions” on Tiktok and Facebook reveals a certain number of announcements supposed to guarantee a sure passage of migrants through the American shared border 5,525 miles long with Canada. There are articles in Spanish, English and Punjabi, and customer criticisms.
60 minutes found a smuggler, who is called Javi, thanks to his online advertisements, which, according to Tiktok, recently killed. Javi said he was working for the Sinaloa cartel, organizing human and drug smuggling across the northern border in America.
Although it is not possible to check everything Javi said, he sent photos of firearms that he says he is his proof of his cartel ties. A source in Canadian intelligence said Javi’s story was consistent with human smuggling and cartel drug operations.
Javi said the cartel provides customers.
“They have more people who are behind all of this who are looking for customers, find them and invoke them in certain places,” he said in Spanish.
Javi said he was part of a team of four. Some lead migrants to and from the border and plant logistics, while Javi says that he guides people through the woods. The migrants pay about $ 3,000 each: Javi said he won about a thousand dollars per person, while $ 500 go to the cartel and the rest to drivers. The migrants who do not pay are held hostage until their payment, said Javi.
Some smugglers offer children's discounts. Javi said he was guided from families with babies as young as three months on the other side of the border.
Will Trump's border repression work?
Trump has instituted prices on Mexico and Canada, sometimes connecting them to drugs and migrants crossing American borders.
“Mexico and Canada have the absolute right and power to easily solve this long simmered problem,” he said in a social post of truth in November. “We demand by the present that they use this power, and until they do it, it is time for them to pay a very big price!”
The new Prime Minister of Canada, Mark Carney, retaliated with his own prices, but the Canadian government has conceded Mr. Trump complaints concerning the border and announced a plan of nearly a billion dollars to strengthen border security, adding more boots on the ground, helicopters and drones and a new Tsar de la Fentanyl.
Professor Kelly Sundberg, who spent 15 years as a Canadian Border Services Agency Agency and is now doing border security research at Royal Mount University in Calgary, said Canada has no border patrol like that in the United States and has far fewer immigration agents.
Kelly Sundberg 60 minutes
“Obviously, if we want to respond to President Trump's concerns, not to mention the concerns of many Canadians, … We have to increase these figures,” Sundberg said.
He estimates that Canada needs 4,000 to 5,000 officers added nationally. He also does not see the prices as the answer.
“The border must be secure, but there are better ways to do so than to threaten your largest and longest partner,” he said.
It is not known exactly how many medication books are going through the border in the United States. Trump says that “enormous” quantities of fentanyl are poured into the country across Canada, but last year, customs and the protection of American borders seized 43 pounds of fentanyl on the northern border, against more than 21,000 pounds confiscated at the American-Mexican border.
Last month, Canada and the United States, the same day, said the Sinaloa cartel a terrorist organization. Javi, the smuggler, said that the cartel had since changed the way he moves drugs through the northern border, but the designation did not affect the number of people in the United States illegally.
“There will always be business. Later, Donald Trump's time will pass, and that will continue,” said Javi. “It will not stop.”
Javi claims more border control and more control points will not prevent smugglers from moving people across the border.
“There is always a means. The border between Canada and the United States is much larger than that of Mexico,” he said. “You can still enter.”
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Cecilia Vega
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