BT, TalkTalk, Sky and Virgin in Best UK broadband survey

British families have conveyed bruises for the British's best broadband providers.
The largest brands BT, SKY, Talktalk and Virgin Media were wrapped by smaller and less known rivals in the annual customer satisfaction survey.
Broadband, now on TV's internet derivatives, has been ranked with Virgin Media. Both brands received 60%of customer scores based on 4,347 housing broadband customer surveys throughout the UK.
Virgin Media has not been properly evaluated for various key areas such as contact, customer service, communication, technical support and money value. For that part, the broadband has not been properly disturbed with connection speed and contact ease.
TalkTalk (61%), Sky Broadband (62%), BT Broadband (64%), EE (68%) and Vodafone (69%) round half of the table. BT and SKY customers have raised concerns about the value of money, while Talktalk and SKY have a poor rating of connection speed.
In addition to the Virgin Media, which operates its own fiber network as a 14.1 million housing and company, what has the 14.1 million houses and businesses and the remaining brands have investigated the 14.1 million houses and businesses that can access Gigabit available speeds? All rely on Openreach for the cable infrastructure.
The BT -owned Openreach is available in 99%of British housing and companies, and is ambitious to upgrade 25 million sites to the entire textile broadband for the future by December next year.
Virgin Media does not rely on broadband cables managed by BT owned and operated by BT. Instead, it has its own broadband network and is connected to more than 1.61 million shares in the UK.
Openreach Press Office
If you can join a broadband with these brands, you can convert one of other brands. In fact, Openreach collaborates with more than 650 individual service providers through the network.
Since all of these brands rely on the same underground cable, it is unlikely that the earthquake difference in the download speed when switching between suppliers. However, it does not solve the complaint, but it means that there is plenty of flexibility to switch to a new broadband transaction to avoid monthly bills or unsatisfactory customer services.
If so, if all the most aware of broadband brands can be found in half of the rankings, which company is doing well at which company is doing well? Customer Satisfaction Survey?
Zen internet, which decided not to impose an intermediate contract price increase, received the highest rating and said that the customer score would be 77%, which would be recommended as nine out of 10. The Plusnet owned by BT Broadband was second with a high score of 73%.
The utility warehouse recorded 72%, and one -third of the customer evaluated the customer service as excellent.
What is the largest broadband supplier in the annual customer satisfaction survey?
any? Press office
What is the result of discussing the results? Natalie Hitchins, a home product and service editor, said: Our research shows that small providers surpass the largest broadband company in general. Many small providers are more confident about how the monthly bill will look in the contract process by providing a better customer service, a more stable connection and a fixed contract or an annual price increase.
“Broadband customers who can complain or save with the current provider after the contract should not hesitate to hesitate.”
Despite the latest scores, which one? According to the report, Virgin Media customers are increasing 3.50 per month from April. This shaking will add 42 to the annual bill. The company is investigating the difficulties faced by customers when canceling the contract at the same time.
The brand spokesman said, “The dissatisfaction with the Virgin Media has been the lowest since last year since 2017, and 92%of the complaints raised over the past three months have been resolved in 24 hours, and telephone transmission and waiting time have dropped significantly.
“This green shooting reflects more accurate improvements than any survey of 0.01%on customer -based, and we can't solve all problems overnight, but our strategy is to invest in the area facing the business of almost $ 1 million a day, to simplify the system and process, and remove the sustainable pain for customers. It provides improvement. “
The BT spokesman gives customers a very reliable and fast broadband with a speed of up to 900Mbps in response to the score.
“We have been doing our best to connect customers and provide the best customer service so that we can handle all calls in the UK and Ireland. In the last 12 months, the OFCOM dissatisfaction data has been steadily or industry average and customer satisfaction scores continue to increase.”
If there is a complaint about customer service or price of the current broadband supplier? It is recommended to switch to a new transaction before the annual price increase in April 2025.
Getty image
Latest development
Zen Internet CEO Richard Tang said: broadband is a must and customers should not feel that the service is poor. There is a better option. If people start voting with their feet, the whole industry can push the game to increase the game.
If there is a complaint about the current broadband transactions, which one is it? Shopping is recommended for better service, value for money and more stable connections. There was no better time to rethink the current broadband suppliers by raising the price due to the next month.
Fix or twist advice on switches or bargaining
Switch …
You want to save money. Our study shows that a switching provider is the best way to save money and can save an average annual average of 105. Continue if Dodgy Connection or poor customer service occurs. New providers can improve technology or personal services and want to speed up. Given the speed of the full fiber rollout, it is possible to use faster connections in the area from a wider range of suppliers.
Haggle if …
You love your provider. If the provider does not have a defect, do not feel that there is no need to throw it away. When the contract ends, negotiate to receive the best transaction. I want to upgrade. If you want additional services such as faster speed, better routers or Pay TV, ask the provider for what you can do for you. There is no alternative. There are not many suppliers that everyone can choose. If you are on the boat, it is essential to sign a contract and renegotiate regularly.
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