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NIGEL FARAGE will change the UK to Trump Teachers, Lib Dem Leader ED DAVEY says | Political news

NIGEL FARAGE will change the UK to Trump Teachers, Lib Dem Leader ED DAVEY says | Political news



Sir Ed Davey began an intense attack on “non -appeal” Nigel Farage, saying Vladimir Putin as “lovers.”

In his speech at his party's spring meeting, the Liberal Democratic leader accused Donald Trump as “Ukrainian betrayal” and “European security and British security.”

He twisted his party as the only “to speak from the challenge” of the United States and demanded that the government would not “soothe”.

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The LIB DEM leader hoped to earn more profits from the Conservative Party a few weeks before the May 1 local elections and to prevent the reform Britain from constructing any basis.

Trump's 'Unforgivable' 'Ukrainian Betrayal'

In his long speech about the party, Ed Sir said, “This is a great time for our continent and our country.”

“Donald Trump not only betray Ukraine,” he said. “It is not only their sovereignty, but also our security. European security and British security. It cannot be forgiven.”

Image: Sir Ed Davey has dealt with the spring meeting of the party. PIC: PA

Putin said, “Donald Trump made his ambitions not expanded beyond some of Ukrainians, and he criticized Russia's activities in countries such as Georgia, Moldova, and Romania, accusing Russia to undermine democracy and expand his grip to Europe.”

He expressed his pride in the British reaction to the Russian invasion of Russia, and he was proud that the prime minister gathered Europe and Canada from the UK to lead the day in the oval office of President Trump and President Benen Lenski.

'Farage without contact with the value of England'

Ed Kyung[ing] British basic British values, fair play, respect for national sovereignty and law of law.

But he said, “I simply do not get it.” And it is Nigel Farage, and I think “Donald Trump and VLADIMIR PUTIN are” celebrity crushes. “

Image: Nigel Farage is a spokesman for Donald Trump. PIC: Reuters

Ten years ago, President Putin mentioned Farage's opinion that President Putin was the most respected leader.

“And this is the one who thinks he can be our prime minister. It is not our watch.”

He said the British reform leader said, “I can't say anything.”

He accused the right wing party of the rebellion that he accused the “superficial and simple snake oil solution” and chose to “exploit” the British's “struggle and anxiety” for their selfish purposes.


Sir Ed also hit “chasing the tail of reform” in the Conservative Party.

He recently pointed out Kemi Badeno. Recently, the typical Liberal Democratic Party said he would be a good person to fix the roof of the church and the people of the community.

“I think she was insulted. But I will be willing to wear it as an honor.” “Because she is right. The Liberal Democratic Party is fixing things.”

Image: Tory Lerter Kemi Badoch. PIC: PA

He pointed out that she had 60 seats in Tories in the general election, saying that there is a “legitimate reason” that does not like her party.

“But what I say is the confusing attitude of conservatives.

“What happens in our community is trivial and meaningless compared to discussing the true meaning of conservativeism on Twitter.”

Ed Sir added that Tories received a public service for “giving up our community.” “Why have many lifelong conservative voters headed to the Liberal Democratic Party,” he added.

“ Imposition of tariffs on Musk's Tesla car ''

The LIB DEM leader also made some notes about the labor government and urged the Trump Administration to impose import tariffs on Tesla Motors with retaliation for all tariffs imposed on the UK.

Image: Nigel Farage and Financial Nick Candy Meeting last year in Mar-A-Lago Elon Musk. PIC: PA

Sir Ed said that he did not change or discard Tech Giants' tax on British interests to avoid tariffs.

He also argued that the government would further develop efforts to support Ukraine, claim that Russian assets should raise funds, and want to join the new European Maritime Bank.

Ed Lord urged economic growth, saying, “We have gone back to a single market with a new deal with the EU and customs alliance.”

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2:53 Last week, in a conversation with SKY NEWS, Lord Ed Davey demanded an emergency budget.

'This is a battle for the future'

In the deadline, Sir Ed said, “Liberal belief in internationalism […] Along with Farage, which leads Trump and Trump tribute in the White House, it provides a solution to the “problem faced by the UK.”

“Our trademark community politics is the only way to defeat cynical populism. The threats they raise are serious. The challenge before us is great.

“This is a battle of competitive value. Battle of competitive vision. Battle for the future. We did not choose this fight. But friends, I know you are for it. I know I can win together.”




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