The Prime Minister of Groenlands slams American officials, including Usha Vance, Mike Waltz

The Prime Minister of Groenlands said that a visit planned on the island by US officials, including the second Lady Usha Vance, is very aggressive, plunging relations with a new hollow after President Donald Trump promised to annex the Danish autonomous territory.
Vance, the wife of the American vice-president JD Vance, will go to Greenland this week to watch the national breed of dog islands and celebrate the cultivation and unity of Greenland, according to a white house press release. National Security Advisor Mike Waltz should also visit the territory this week, according to a familiar source with the trip.
The Prime Minister of Greenland, Mute B. Egede, called on the trip of the American delegations to the very aggressive island in an interview with the Greenland newspaper, Sermitsiaq, and raised a particular objection to the visit of Waltss.
What does the national security advisor do in Greenland do? The only goal is to demonstrate power over us, said Egede. His simple presence in Greenland will undoubtedly feed the American belief in the Trumps mission and the pressure will increase.
The idea of Trumps to annex Greenland launched an international projector in the territory, which contains large stores of minerals of rare criticisms for high-tech industries, and has raised questions about the future security of the islands while the United States, Russia and China are competing for the influence in the Arctic. Trump has repeatedly expressed his interest in the United States by taking the island by force or economic coercion, even if Denmark and Greenland firmly rejected the idea.
I think I was going to get it in one way or another, Trump said in the remarks to a joint session of the congress earlier this month.
Egede, who was pressure for the independence of Greenland compared to Denmark, said that the efforts of the Greenlanders to be diplomatic simply bounce back Donald Trump and his administration in their mission to own and control Greenland.
Egedes governing the left party, Iainuit Ataqatigiit, was defeated in the legislative elections earlier this month, but he remains Prime Minister until the formation of a new coalition in power.
Jens-Frederik Nielsen, who is likely to be the next Greenland leader after his party has won the elections, said the time for the American visit shows a lack of respect.
The fact that the Americans know very well that we are still in a negotiation situation and that the municipal elections have not yet ended, they still capitalize on the time of coming to Greenland, once again, which shows a lack of respect for the Green population, Nielsen told Sermitsiaq.
The White House presented the visit of Vances as cultural and said that the second lady would go to Greenland with her son and an American delegation to visit historic sites, learn more about the heritage of Greenland and attend the Avannaata Qimusseursu, the national groenlands dog race.
Ms. Vance and the delegation are delighted to attend this monumental breed and to celebrate the culture and unity of Greenlanders, said the White House press release.
It is not known if the United States has already sent a delegation to the dog race, even less a group with a second lady.
Denmark directed Greenland as a colony until 1953, when the island obtained greater powers of autonomy. In 2009, he won more powers concerning minerals, police and courts, but Denmark still controls security, defense, foreign and monetary policy. Greenland also benefits from memberships to the European Union and NATO.
Danish Prime Minister Put Frederiksen told Reuters in a written comment that the American delegation's visit was something we take seriously. She said Denmark wanted to cooperate with the United States, but this should be based on the fundamental rules of sovereignty.
While Greenland politicians have repeatedly reported that they were opposed to annexation, they are open to treaties with the United States for the exploitation of rare land, the expansion of tourism, stronger diplomatic links and other investments.
A survey in January, commissioned by Danish and Greenlandic newspapers, revealed that 85% of Greenlanders did not want to be part of the United States, with almost half of Trumps' interest was a threat, Reuters reported.
Presidents Donald Trump, Jr. made the headlines with a visit to Greenland in January.
Greenland is an incredible place, and the people will benefit enormously if and when it will be part of our nation. We will protect it and cherish it from a very vicious outside world. Make Greenland again! Trump Jr. posted on social networks at the time.
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