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Women looking for asylum in the UK claim to be sexual abuse at mixed hotels | Rape and sexual assault

Women looking for asylum in the UK claim to be sexual abuse at mixed hotels | Rape and sexual assault



Women and girls looking for asylum in the UK argued that they were raped, sexually assaulted and harassed after being assigned to a mixed home office accommodation.

The observer investigation revealed the claim of sexual violence at several home office hotels, including allegations of fellow exile applicants and hotel employees.

In one case, a 14 -year -old girl was trimmed and raped after breaking up with her mother in a single male in the southwest of England. According to the conditions of anonymity, the girl's mother told the observer that her daughter had previously experienced abuse and was extremely vulnerable.

Nevertheless, she and her brother and her brothers were next to the male group in another room. The mother repeatedly raised concerns with the hotel staff and asked the children to move to the room, but I heard that this is impossible. She told her that she had to close the door when she tried to keep the door open at night and keep watching.

The girl said a man from a neighbor's room gave food and invited her to his room. Rape allegedly found only a few months later in October 2023 after the girl began to suffer from his wife.

Her mother insisted that the man made her daughter food because of the failure of the home office. Security was loose at the hotel in the hotel. There were constant cigarettes, screams, fights, and debates in the room. It was terrible. I said my children are not comfortable because they are not with me.

She said she committed suicide after the incident and refused to go to school. [My daughter] I don't feel like being here.

The hotel later closed. The headquarters said it is extremely concerned about the incident and under investigation. My mother said that when the hotel was closed, the family seemed to know that the work was wrong because the family was moved to a female hotel.

It was originally what they had to do, but she seemed to want to save money, she said. The family pursues human rights claims.

In other cases, pregnant women, supported by a charity rape crisis, were stored in a mixed sex hostel and lived there after the baby was born. She portrayed a single man living in a neighbor's room, drinked together, smoked something else, and often followed.

Another woman who is supported by a rape crisis was assigned to a mixed accommodation even after the trafficking was released for sexual exploitation. After she arrived in England, she learned that she had been abused by an individual who had previously trusted, so she was taken to a safe house while waiting for the asylum claim to be handled.

In fact, this was a hostel that accommodates both men and women, including those who use drugs. She said the charity was the scary seven months in her life.

Security was loose at the hotel. There were constant cigarettes, screams, fights, and debates in the room. It was favorable for the victims of rape

Due to this incident, the home office demanded urgent behaviors of home offices to solve systematic failure to protect women and children from sexual violence of asylum accommodations. Cira Bergman, CEO of Rape Crisis, said that this failure was scandal.

Sarah Collier, a human rights lawyer at Irwin Mitchell, said that the company is seeing a lot of problems with the women of the exile accommodation, including people being accepted in a mixed hotel even when the company is a victim of sexual abuse or a journey to the UK.

She said that the resident is often included in the background of a crime and the home office tried to expel them. However, it was rarely done if fellow hotel residents complained.

In the case of a girl who was trimmed and raped, she said she had raised more than two concerns that she had not leaned her mother. There was a daughter room, a man in the room next to her daughter. He was an adult and began to trim his daughter effectively. My mother will see it. She opened the door during the day.

She said she was very morally wrong that she was not supervised by a mixed accommodation in a single room near a single man.

You will not put a person who avoided domestic violence from male offenders in a mixed accommodation. Home office knows the risk.

Charity groups and support groups have long raised concerns about women's safety in exile accommodations. Here, women and girls must share space including strangers and toilets, and women who have been sexually violent and abused in their owns were forced to live in a mixed accommodation facing the threat of sexual violence and sexual violence, including staff.

Since home offices failed to comply with freedom of information law, the overall size of abuse was unclear, and he refused to provide basic data on the number of sexual violence reports in the exile amenities without providing the reason for rejection.

He also refused to provide data on the number of employees accused of sexual illegal acts, and he said that he did not have information on the information about employees complaints about sexual illegal acts, and that he would need a manual troll to obtain numbers. Two months ago, I did not provide an explanation and could not share the internal review results.

The study of charity indicates that the problem is widely spread. According to a recent survey by refugee women, almost one -quarter women were sexually harassed or abused by other hotel residents, while 12%experienced this from hotel staff.

81%of the 59 women who received a survey said they were in a mixed hotel. Two -thirds of them would prefer to be in a female hotel or a female -only space and a hotel with a floor.

The observer also heard about several arguments of sexual abuse, which is believed to have been applied by employees. In some cases, a woman who fled Iran with a threat to life from Iranian revolutionary guards was placed in a hostel -style early accommodation and stayed for two years. According to the rape crisis, she, a charity that supports her, was trimmed and sexually exploited by two employees, including a person who invited her home.

She reported his actions, which was reported to home offices and lodging providers and led the man temporarily suspended. However, after the complaint was submitted, there was no effective path to take subsequent measures, and the woman did not directly contact the results of the investigation and the consequences of complaints, the charity said. The perpetrator continued to work in the hostel and no longer took action.

Another worker at the home office hotel, accused of sexually exploiting women's asylum applicants, went to another victim to the bridegroom after the initial charges were not investigated.

Gemma Lousley, a policy and research manager for refugee women, has been told not only the most serious cases but also the lower level of behavior that is often very cunning but actually routinely occurring. This included a knock and work where male employees knocked on the door.

She demanded a more preventive approach, including a more powerful reporting process. Hopefully, all the governments that are interested in solving violence against women and girls, especially priorities, will include a woman who pursues asylum in it. She clearly said that a woman who is offered a choice of women's accommodations will actually help.

In 2023, the Women and Equal Committee raised the same problem. Home offices must conduct urgent reviews on protection policies and practices for all asylum support contracts over all asylum support contracts, so that asylum support contracts are being implemented consistently and efficiently in all environments. You must post a review and action plan within 3 months.

According to a recent survey by Borders and Immigration, 116 of the 245 emergency exile sites identified in June 2024 were accepted by single adult men, single women and families on the same site. Only 12 sites were designated only for the family, and only 4 sites were for single adult women and 82 women.

The report raised the problem by referring to the cases that single adult men and single adult women with serious mental health problems were needed to share bathroom facilities. Another example of a single man shares a common bathroom facility with a family with children. The prosecutor said that there was no problem in this situation when the prosecutor raised the problem with the home office senior manager. ICIBI said no one was provided when the prosecutor later requested an update.

The home office spokesman said: It is most important to protect the health and safety of women and girls in the asylum system, and it is very clear that our mission, which counterattacks the violence against women and girls, applies to all UK women regardless of situation or background.

Therefore, we are very concerned about events reported in 2022 and will thoroughly investigate other reports delivered to us with contracted accommodations.

The home office decided to end the use of asylum hotels over time as part of a wide range of efforts to restore order to the asylum system.




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