Usha Vance will visit Greenland while Trump talks about American control
Washington's second USHA Vance (AP) provides for a trip to Greenland, at a time when President Donald Trump suggested that the United States should take control of the autonomous and mineral territory of the American ally of Denmark.
Vance will leave on Thursday and will be back on Saturday, according to his office. Vance and one of its three children will be part of an American delegation which will visit the historic sites and will be learned about the heritage of Greenland.
The media in Greenland and Denmark said that Vance would be accompanied by the Trump National Security Advisor Mike Waltz. The White House and the National Security Council did not immediately respond to requests for comments.
People participate in a march ending in front of the American consulate, under the slogan, Greenland belongs to the Groenland people, in Nuuk, Greenland, Saturday March 15, 2025. (Christian Klindt Soelbeck / Ritzau Scanpix via AP)
People participate in a march ending in front of the American consulate, under the slogan, Greenland belongs to the Groenland people, in Nuuk, Greenland, Saturday March 15, 2025. (Christian Klindt Soelbeck / Ritzau Scanpix via AP)
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Trump had reflected during his first mandate on the purchase of the largest island in the world, while Denmark, an ally of NATO, insisted that he was not for sale. Residents of Greenland also firmly rejected the Trumps plans.
Vice-president JD Vance said on Sunday that Trump was not cared for what Europeans think.
He said Denmark was not doing his job with Greenland and is not a good ally, and if that means that we have to take more territorial interest in Greenland, that's what President Trump will do, Vance to Fox News Sunday Morning Futures told Fox.
Because he does not care what Europeans shout us, he care about the interests of American citizens, said Vance.
Since his return to the White House, Trump has repeatedly said that the United States will come to control Greenland while insisting that he supports the idea for strategic national security reasons and not in an eye on American expansionism.
I think we will have it, Trump said about Greenland shortly after starting his second term on January 20. The United States already has a military base on Greenland and the eldest son of the presidents, Donald Trump Jr., visited it in January.
During his visit, Usha Vance will attend the Avannaata Qimussersu, the national race in Groenlands dogs, with approximately 37 music and 444 dogs. The press release indicates that Vance and the American delegation are delighted to attend this monumental race and to celebrate the culture and unity of glasses.
At a recent meeting of the oval office with NATO secretary general, Mark Rutte, Trump said that Denmarks was far from Greenland and wondered if this country still had the right to claim the largest island in the world in the context of his kingdom.
The Northern Lights appear above the Nuuk, Greenland houses, Monday, February 17, 2025. (AP photo / Emilio Morenatti)
The Northern Lights appear above the Nuuk, Greenland houses, Monday, February 17, 2025. (AP photo / Emilio Morenatti)
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A boat landed there 200 years ago or something. And they say they have rights on this, said Trump. I don't know if it's true. I don't think this is the case, in fact.
The five parts of the Greenland Parliament published a joint statement last week, rejecting Trumps' remarks. Denmark has recognized Greenland's right to independence at a time of its choice.
Beyond his accent on Greenland, Trump refused to exclude military intervention in Panama to take over this channel from the countries, said that Canada should be a 51st state of the Americas and suggested that American interests could take control of the Gaza Strip torn by war from Israel and redeveloped it as Riviera-Type Seaside Resort.
The writer Associated Press Kirsten Grieshaber in Berlin contributed to this report.
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