The FCA chairman said that British watchers encourage more risks.

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British financial watchers will encourage retail investors to take more risks in savings to cope with the challenges of the aging population as a key part of the new five -year strategy to be announced this week.
Ashley Alder, chairman of the financial acts, said that the new plan of the Financial Times has been built in a new plan that helps consumers prevent fraud and help to increase their trust in the financial market and increase their trust.
One focusing on a lot of efforts to build a strategy is demographic challenge. [is] Most of the Alder said in an interview a few days before starting a new strategy on Tuesday.
Alder also said that he was the right person who could move forward by throwing the support of FCA chief executive Nikhil Rathi. Rathis's five -year term of term ended in September and there was speculation about whether he would leave.
The FCA, which regulates financial service companies, protects consumers, and stimulates competition, should ease the burden of red tape from the Keir Starmers Sir government and encourage more risks.
ALDER said that the FCA will use artificial intelligence to discover crimes and use the data requested by the financial company's request to support the government's promotion by opening a smaller number of goals.
Alder said the UKS aging population is expected to increase by 14 % by 2032.
To solve this worry, the FCA will focus on the re -settlement of risks described as a risk of participating in financial products or services that can lead to long -term revenue or risk of accessing them.
As part of this promotion, the government has already adjusted the rules for duty -free cash ISA savings accounts to encourage people to switch more money into higher revenue investments such as stocks and bonds.
The FCA also suggested that the pension holder can receive the company's goal support for general proposals under the light regulatory framework. I hope that this can fill the gap between financial advice to those who are not rich.
ALDER has pushed back concerns that growth approaches will reduce people's protection. He said it was not an exchange of exchange, consumer protection or growth. We want to provide a much better tool to perform this task that provides retail consumers with information on risk supervision.
Alder added that the new strategy of regulators focuses on financial crimes and frauds in sector. This is a key factor in increasing consumer confidence in financial markets and regulators itself.
If he can increase trust in the system and increase the level of participation in products and services, he will definitely save a larger level of savings that convert into an investment through the market.
The FCA has begun a small number of investigations over the past few years, and has closed many people in the existing pipeline to focus on resources on the case of the most damaging risk, Alder said. He is more optional and expects to maintain or increase the number of execution measures stably.
Another change in the FCAS strategy is to prepare for the erosion of global coordination in financial regulations caused by protectionism and trade tension. Obviously we experienced changes in globalization.
In response to this, Alder, the head of the Hong Kong Mayor Watchdog, said before joining the FCA in 2023.
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