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British sanctions on human rights violations and abuse during the Sri Lanka Inter -Korean War

British sanctions on human rights violations and abuse during the Sri Lanka Inter -Korean War



British sanctions are responsible for serious human rights violations and abuse of former Sri Lanka Commander and Tamil Elam (LTTE) commander.

Sanctions aim to seek serious human rights violations and abuse and to prevent the culture of injustice during the inter -Korean war.

The UK welcomes the National Union by working with the New Sri Lanka government on human rights.

The British government imposed sanctions against four individuals in charge of serious human rights abuse and violations during the Sri Lanka Inter -Korean War.

The individual sanctioned today included former Sri Lanka military commander and former LTTE military commander, and later led the semi -military Karuna group, which was operated against LTTE on behalf of Sri Lanka.

Measures, including prohibitions of travel and freezing assets, are targeted for individuals in charge of various violations and abuse, such as private murder during the inter -Korean war.

Secretary of Foreign Affairs David Lammy said:

The British government is devoted to the human rights of Sri Lanka, which continues to affect today's community, seeking responsibility for human rights violations and abuse during the inter -Korean war.

I promised not allowed people who were responsible during the election campaign. This decision guarantees responsibility for those in charge of human rights violations and abuse.

The British government expects to cooperate with the New Sri Lanka government to improve the human rights of Sri Lanka, welcoming their promise to the National Union.

The Indian-Pacific Minister of the Catherine West MP, who visited Sri Lanka in January, had a constructive discussion on human rights with the Prime Minister, Foreign Minister, and civil society organizations as well as political leaders in northern Sri Lanka.

In order for the community to go together, there must be recognition and responsibility for the past faults that the sanctions list introduced today will be supported. We want all Sri Lanka communities to grow and prosper.

The United Kingdom is working to work constructively on the Sri Lanka government on human rights improvement and a wide range of reform agenda, including economic growth and stability. As part of the plan for change, the UK admits that it is suitable for national security to promote overseas stability.

The United Kingdom has long led an international effort to promote Sri Lanka's responsibility with a partner of the Sri Lanka core group of the UN Human Rights Council, including Canada, Malawi, Montenegro and North Macedonia.


The sanctioned people are as follows:

Former head of the Sri Lanka army, former commander of the Silva Silva, former Commander of Washantha Karannagoda, Jagath JayaSuriya, military commander of the terrorist group, Tamiller Eelam's Liberation Tiger Muritharan. Known as Karuna Amman, he created and led the group who worked on behalf of the Sri Lankan army.

The UK supported the Sri Lankan economic reform through the International Monetary Fund (IMF) program, providing technical support to Sri Lanka's inland revenue department as a member of the Sri Lanka official creditors' committee.

The UK and Sri Lanka shares powerful cultures, economies and people with our educational systems. The UK has conducted super national education work to expand its educational approach in Sri Lanka and provide internationally certified qualifications through the British Council on British training.




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