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The Americans have not learned their lesson: meet Europeans boycotting American products

The Americans have not learned their lesson: meet Europeans boycotting American products



London CNN –

Moya Osullivan looked in her cupboards and saw a problem: her cream cheese, his toothpaste, her rinking rinses, her whiskey and her carbonated drinks were all American. They had to go.

I no longer buy cheese in Philadelphia (cream), known as Osullivan to CNN. No more oreos either. Oral-B and Listerine have been replaced in its bathroom closet, while Jack Daniels and Coca-Cola were banished from his drinking office.

Osullivan, 29, teaches history and English to Kilkenny, South Ireland students. But by changing her shopping list, she hoped at school the 77 million Americans who voted to elect President Donald Trump to a second term.

It is very disappointing for me to see that half of America would choose (Trump), she says.

By sliding in a voice more commonly heard in a classroom, she adds: the Americans did not learn their lesson the first time. Unfortunately, there must be consequences.

While Trump's administrations exchange war with the European Union intensified, a ripple of reciprocal economic nationalism percolate across Europe; And Osullivan is part of a small but dedicated group hoping to injure the United States with their wallets.

Trump said that on April 2, a multitude of new prices will be announced on goods coming to the United States around the world as part of his pack of reciprocal rates. The EU is ready to release its own countermeasures, including higher prices on American whiskey, motorcycles, beer, poultry, beef and products such as soy, tomatoes and raspberries.

But protesting against the Trump administration is a more difficult sale in Europe than it was eight years ago. The leaders of the Europe took a lot of trouble building bridges with Trump, eager to avoid the weight of his prices diet, or to guide him towards acceptable results in Ukraine and Gaza. And there is fatigue in the air. Many people are a little exhausted this time, concedes Osullivan.

The first time (Trumps election) occurred, people were indignant and they thought they could fight back and win, explains Zoe Gardner, spokesperson for the UK-based protest group Stop Trump Coalition. Now people feel much more beaten, she said to CNN. People feel less confident in their ability to oppose this.

James Blackledge, a 33 -year -old factor in Bristol, England, also made sacrifices. Like Osullivan, he turned to a locally made alternative but more expensive in Philadelphia. I'm a bit like a mayor, he admits, but he stopped buying Hellmanns and started to do his own: I got a little mixer, it's quite easy to do.

I used to have a McDonalds coffee from time to time, which I don't do, he adds. The beers of Sierra Nevada are also below. And he is not alone. Many of my friends, to whom I have mentioned, say that they have already done so for some time, he said. They had already stopped (buying American products) when Trump was elected.

Osullivan and BlackLEDGE do not cry out in a void; Their anger is shared by many on electronic babibllards and forums, and the two have exchanged ideas online on how to assert their arguments.

And hunger to retaliate against American companies is obvious. The largest retailer of Denmarks, the Salling group, introduced black star stickers with supermarket labels earlier this month which indicate whether a product has been manufactured in Europe. The threats of Trumps to annex Greenland, which is an autonomous territory of Denmark, have particularly angry the Danes.

We have recently received a number of customer information requests who wish to buy European brand races, wrote the managing director of Salling Group, Anders Hagh on Linkedin. Our stores will continue to have brands on shelves around the world, and it will always be customers to choose.

A Swedish Facebook group calling people to boycott American products has 81,000 members; A Danish equivalent has 90,000. Every hour, people ask if their dog food, soda, cheese or chocolate are connected to the United States and are looking for alternatives.

It is too early in the administration of Trumps to say if these efforts will have an impact on exports of American manufacturing staples to Europe. The first economic protests across Europe are ad hoc and have not taken root among an important segment of the population, but the imminent threat of new prices has tightened the determination of certain groups and organizations to buy items produced by the EU on American versions.

Previously, more widespread economic boycotts in Europe, such as recent campaigns to avoid companies related to Russia and Israel, following their offensives in Ukraine and Gaza, recruited disciples arranged and claim success to encourage certain companies to reduce their links with these countries, but to decipher their economic impact is difficult.

International conflicts often cause boycott calls for a foreign opponent, but if consumers are really participating have been a sustainable puzzle, have written researchers from the University of Virginia in a 2016 study. Their work has indeed found that in the United States, consumers have reduced their purchases of French-consonance supermarket brands as a dispute between Washington and Paris Iraq.

Another study, which analyzed boycott movements in the United States between 1990 and 2005, revealed that these efforts can have an impact on businesses even if they do not injure their results.

But whether it is or not, Osullivan is not discouraged when it comes to Trump. We vot with our money even if it makes no difference, I just don't want my money to support its economy.

Trump remains largely unpopular in Europe, and the polls suggest that his electoral victory has harmed continents towards America. But the huge demonstrations that praised the president during his travels on the continent during his first mandate were replaced by more visible fragmentary demonstrations in the kitchen cabinets than on the sidewalks of the city.

In London, a gigantic demonstration seized the city on the eve of the presidents' visit in 2018; According to the organizers, around 250,000 people showed up, while a 20-foot 20-foot baby ball, representing the president tightening a mobile phone and sporting a giant layer, sailed in the sky over his head.

I do not know if the same figures would come out of an event this time, admits Gardner, from Stop Trump Coalition, which has organized this demonstration and reformed since the re -election of Trump to the British opposition to the administration.

Instead, demonstrators are trying to be creative. Demonstrations were organized outside the Tesla exhibition halls in the United Kingdom, to oppose the participation of the owner Elon Musks in the administration. But less than 20 people showed up at an event on Saturday in Leeds, in northern England, according to photos published by organizers, illustrating the fight to mobilize the British so far in the second term of Trumps.

Tesla sales have decreased in Europe since Trump took care of Tesla only recorded 9,913 new units in January through the continent, against 18,121 last January, according to the Automobile Analysis Jato, although the group noted that the coming version of its updated model would probably help the sales to rebound.

Trump should soon visit the United Kingdom during a second state visit; This time, the invitation of King Charles III was happily deployed by the British Prime Minister Keir Starmer, in the White House, and was welcomed with tacit acceptance at home.

But Washington explosions awaken anger in Europe. This meeting (with Volodymyr Zelensky) in the oval office was a real flash of disgust, and people felt like they needed something, notes Gardner, who says Trumps Furious Tirade against the Ukrainian president caused an increase in emails and calls to the anti-Trump group.

The next day, the tabloid Daily Mail on the right led his first page on calls to stop the state visit to Bully Trump a surprising rallying cry for a more sympathetic article to his policy brand than most British points of sale.

Gardner supported economic boycotts on American products and says that it no longer shops on Amazon, although she recognized that she was organizing demonstrations with other anti-Trump activists on WhatsApp, the messaging application belonging to the American Meta technology. There are contradictions in there, but that does not mean that it is not something worth doing, she said.

And there is another tool always accessible to Trumps criticisms on the continent: provocation. Make us the statue of freedom, Raphael Glucksmann, a French member of the European Parliament who represents the small place of the Public Left Party, during a rally on weekends. It was our gift for you. But apparently you despise it.

Of course, no one will steal the statue of freedom. The statue belongs to you. But what he embodies belongs to everyone, he said X later. And if the free world no longer interests your government, then we will take the torch here in Europe.




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