Motor: Is it true that the disability system rides a British taxpayer? | profit

Mobility should actually be a boring topic. The government system helps people with serious disabilities use a part of the benefit to pay the rent. But over the past week, people who have never heard of mobility would have been impressed.
In a series of subsequent stories after first reported in Daily Mail, Motibility was described as a ridiculous example of a cone artist who owns taxpayers, not a useful mechanism to help people with disabilities.
This argument is that many motorized customers actually do not need cars at all. According to Shadow Welfare Secretary, Helen whatey is a classic example of this initiative. So how true is it?
How does the motor system work?
According to last week's parliamentary report, 29%of adults with disabilities cannot access cars for 16%of adults with no side jobs. They are more likely to be financially difficult and need the help of a family or caregiver. The motor system helps to alleviate this problem.
Dr. Mark Carew of the London Hygiene School and Tropical Pharmaceuticals Evidence Center said that people with disabilities are facing many barriers to access to traffic. (He jointly wrote a report that was funded by Motability in 2023.) There are many other travelers who refuse to get out of the wheelchair space, whether the train station is a train station that can access wheelchairs or a ramp that can be used when booking.
The system is operated by a private company supervised by the charity foundation and is rented and sold to the claimant for three years. Payment comes from government benefits, in general, part of personal independence payment, and major labor benefits of the disabled. The recent survey is based on the significant growth of qualifications that the customer base rises to about 200,000 and 815,000 in part.
In September last year, there was a reasonable criticism of high executive wages and warnings that were located in excessive reserves of 4 billion people. But money made with used cars is returning to the system, not a shareholder, and is usually worth the taxpayer, CAREW says.
But it's not about it. People with disabilities were aliens and families of others. This is a powerful way to choose how to flatten the stadium.
Why do people with disabilities should bring a new car for free on their own benefits?
Do you want a new car for the coverage? Time Alice Thomson asked. But the person who misses the center point: PIP (PIP) funds to Motability would have been receiving anyway.
If they haven't got a car, they will have to spend others. And if they want a more expensive car that needs a larger car for the essential equipment, you may be shocked despite the disability.
Meanwhile, the car maintains a significant resale value at the end of the lease. The scraping motor does not save 1 penny in the benefit bill.
Shouldn't the prestige brand be excluded?
Another noticeable claim: Motability is to provide people who are not needed for BMW and 50-Grand Music. It is true that you can find a premium car by searching for the MOTABILITY website.
But the majority are much more ordinary. Economy brands account for 94%of the motor fleet. Gasoline and diesel cars (55,000 for electricity) to 45,000 ceilings. Because it is too expensive than that car, you can't survive.
The cost of taxpayers of more expensive models is exactly the same. The fact that the lease lasts for three years, likely, was motivated by the fact that selling it in old cars means worse profits. Cherrypicking coverage means that people with disabilities should choose. Instead, they must be constantly grateful, and they must be angry in their three -wheeled cars.
But people who wet beds or have munchausen syndrome people who use this plan?
This is probably the most misleading claim in many variations. Reform MP Richard TICE said that the car will go to the bed -wet boy racer. In Daily Mail, Richard Littlejohn asked: And in Daily Telegraph, Allison Pearson told us. [the government] You can give BMW.
This claim can be tracked in the first article of Daily Mails. The PIP mobility claimant said that there is no need for physical disorders to actually be qualified. You can also apply a claimant with mental health like anxiety. It cited the approval rate for bed wetting or enusis (35%), ADHD (49%), obesity (77%), agricultural phobia (66%) and munchausen syndrome.
But these figures deal with all levels of PIP and are not higher mobility for mobile. Yes, in October 2024, 54%of the people who claimed PIP as Munchausen syndrome were accepted, but they were six successful claimants. There were 41 UNNYY. The figure does not say anything about how high the ratio is. However, the scoring system will generally not put it in that category without significant physical damage.
Some of the other categories have a greater foundation, but the majority that get cars through the motor are seriously disabled. CAREW said it is very difficult to qualify for the PIPS Hight Mobility Award. Many people who are having difficulty traveling are not qualified.
With this legend, I think that online sickness teaches people how to play systems. But this video is often not reliable. Since it was autism, the teenage social media account, which was posted on getting a car, had plenty of information to look at his case as a distinctive feature of anger. He was rejected.
Where is this story from?
For those who claim fake claims, they claimed that motor castles existed for many years. Some of the timelines are everyday. First, the fascinating Bloomberg piece, and Daily Mail, and everyone elsewhere.
But before that, this story gained momentum from the strange corner of the Internet through a few Rightwing X accounts of @loftussteve and @MAXTEMPERS. Anonymous users behind Max Tempers have been tapping drums since December. A few weeks later, his post on the trimmed gang was shared with Elon Musk and became a ground zero of a completely different social media craze.
Motability Story has a variety of accounts, including a popular X -news source, Politics UK, and a later prominent user such as GB NEWSS Deputy General Manager Tom Harwood. After the Daily Mail sculpture, after the Daily Mail Pieces, the Minister of Health, Wes Street, this story showed why the welfare system needed reform.
As Motability MyTH is the mainstream, Max Tempers celebrated the evidence of the Posting-to-Papers pipeline. It is difficult to agree. But there aren't too many people who are washed somewhere to show their curiosity about whether it is true.
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