British service growth

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The service has increased the production of the British private sector to the fastest speed in six months in March, which helped Rachel ReEvenves with positive notes before the spring statement on Wednesday.
The preliminary reading of the British S & P Composite Purchasing Manager Index, a health measure of the private sector, was 52 in March, the highest since September 50.5.
It separated growth and contractions to 50 or more, and was higher than economists' 50.3 predictions in the Reuters survey. The PMI index for the service has risen to 7 months height of 53.2.
Chris Williamson, the chief business economist at S & P Global Market Intelligence, has been good news about the government because of the increase in business activity, and recently, the company has a good news.
According to the prediction of budget liability rather than economic data, which is weaker than expected economic data since October, the rapid drop in Wednesday to the UK on Wednesday will drop sharply from 2 %to about 1 %this year.
Analysts are expected to trigger billions of pounds of spending by trying to meet the fiscal rules in order to balance the budget by disappearing the general accounting headroom and the slowdown in economic growth and the slowdown in economic growth.
Rob Wood, an economist of a consultant, Panton Giant Economics, said that the rise of PMIS has bottomed out as companies have digested salary tax hikes.
WOOD said that the economy would increase 0.3 % in the first quarter of 2025 after expanding 0.1 % over the last three months of last year, and stagnated in the third quarter of 2024.
But Williamson says that despite PMIS's strong reading, business trust is still nearing January for two years, and financial services have been improved only by small growth pockets.
According to the survey, the consumer business and manufacturers, which are one of the companies that have increased employer national insurance donations and increased minimum wages in April, are continuing to fight with economic turbulence at home and abroad.
While the service was strongly carried out, index tracking production fell to 44.6, the lowest level of 44.6, and the company in this sector reported the popularity of the demand for global economic uncertainty and the demand for US tariffs.
According to a survey, according to a survey, according to a survey, according to a survey, according to a survey, according to a survey, according to a survey, according to a survey, according to a survey.
The work ratio was delayed in March, and after the 2008-09 Global Financial Crisis, the most rapid cuts, except for infectious diseases, alleviated the fear of the initial PMI data reported as head counts.
Input cost inflation was also further relieved in the nine -month high in January, but was much higher than the long -range survey.
Last week, the UK Bank had a 4.5 %interest rate after voting for quarterpoint cuts in February and repeatedly pursued a gradual and cautious approach to more reductions.
The financial market is the price of 1/4 point cut by the end of the year.
Ashley Webb, an economist at Consultancy Capital Economics, said the weak economy could lower interest rates to 3.5 %next year.
However, he added that, with business concerns with business concerns, he added that if the speed of cutcount is slow, the BOE is likely to cut interest rates a little earlier.
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