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Election Aesthetic Polls Reform Britain predicts that the Kent County Council will control the Kent County Council.

Election Aesthetic Polls Reform Britain predicts that the Kent County Council will control the Kent County Council.



The Conservative Party is expected to lose control of the Kent County Council (KCC) in the May 1 local elections.

According to 5,400 elections aesthetic (EC) polls between March 1-10, Tories would be lost in British reform.

According to a poll, the Kent County Council can change hands

The polls said Tories is likely to suffer significant losses throughout the UK.

But the conservative party of Andrew Kennedy, a member of the Conservative Party, claimed that the party's own data suggested that Kent's potential drift to Tories in Tories.

The EC also predicted that the Conservative Party would polish 26% (548 seats) in the authorities where the British county elections were held in May. The Liberal Democratic Party can take 270 seats with a 16%voting share.

This will be interpreted as conservatives who completely control three authorities and become the largest parties in the other seven people.

According to the survey, the UK suggested that this year will completely control four four councils and the largest political parties in the United Kingdom. Lib DEMS is expected to be the largest of five.

CLLR Andrew Kennedy

If the County Council elections are delayed due to the government revolution program and local government reform, the UK is heading for 223 seats and Tories has 140, Lib DEMS 131 and Labor 33.

This means that the UK will take over the overall control of two priests and become the largest party in the other two places. Conservative sugars will be the largest parties in one of the delayed deployments, and the Lib DEMS is the largest in three but not complete charging.

The polls commissioned by Daily Telegraph use the methods for political and market research in mathematics, statistics and computing using multi -stage regression and closed (MRP) technology.

This study says: Our prediction will be that the Conservative Party will lose a large amount of support and counselor for the British reform party.

The Liberal Democratic Party is also expected to benefit some benefits, while labor can lose some land.

Election Aesthetic Founder of Martin Boxter

Green party and independent candidates are more difficult to predict, so their predictions are more uncertain.

Martin Baxter, the founder of the election aesthetic, said:

Reformed UK seems to be a major scorer because it can control eight councils to obtain the first real power foundation in local governments.

However, large -scale election delays, which affect more than 5 million voters, will alleviate conservative losses and reduce the benefits of reform. “

Some observers believe that the UK will be the largest party and will appear as the largest party in the County Hall.

County Hall's KCC Chamber

CLLR KNNEDY, which represents tonbridge, said: I do not believe the polling results in part because it is conflicted with our own data because it is partially old. This suggests that more than 50% of the potential reforms that UK voters are commissioning are seriously considering returning to us.

Green Party sources added that the activists did not detect much passion for the UK in front of the door, and NIGEL added that the intimacy with US President Donald Trump was fully launched to voters.

GREENS and LIB DEMS both want to beat the seats between 15 and 20 seats, and if they join forces, they can bring them within 41 -seat distances.

KCCS first elected Thomas Mallon, a reform British member elected from Dartford in November.

One senior labor activist admits that the party's vote will be stressed by the reform of the east of Kent, but local members hope that records are important.

CLLR Thomas Mallon, Reform

Click here to find out how the Kent's political environment can take care of the shaking of the largest regional authorities in 50 years.

According to the entire EC poll, except for KENT, the UK is expected to control the Der Beach, DURHAM, SUFFOLK, and Thurrock, and Norfolk, Essex, Staffordshire, Nottinghamshire, NorthoMberland And it is expected to be the largest party in Lancashire.

The Conservative Party is expected to maintain the overall control of Buckinghamshire, Leicestershire and Wiltshire out of 21.

According to a poll, eight British authorities have made Lib DEMS the largest party, but they will not be overall. Labor will not be responsible anywhere.

Of the 32 councils who participated in the survey, 23 members would not have a large number of parties.




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