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The American national team of women will face the Republic of Ireland on June 26 at the Dicks Sporting Goods Park in Commerce City, Colorado and June 29 at TQL Stadium in Cincinnati

The American national team of women will face the Republic of Ireland on June 26 at the Dicks Sporting Goods Park in Commerce City, Colorado and June 29 at TQL Stadium in Cincinnati



Chicago (March 24, 2025) The US National Women will face the Republic of Ireland in two June games, at the Sporting Goods Park Dicks in Commerce City, in Colorado, Thursday, June 26 (7:00 p.m. MT / 21 pm and on TBS, Trutv and Max, Universo & Peacock in Spanish and on Westwood One Sports) and at TQL Stadium Cincinnat in Cincinnat on Sunday June 29) and at TQL Stadium in Cincinnat in Cincinnati TNT, Trutv and Max, Universo & Peacock in Spanish and on radio on Westwood One Sports). The United States will also play a third match in this window on July 2 with an opponent and a place to announce.

These will be the first meetings with Ireland since April 2023, when the United States has swept a pair of matches in Austin, Texas and Saint-Louis before the FIFA Women's World Cup. The Irish are a lateral box full of German players from the women Super League like Arsenal FCS Katie McCabe, the team captain, as well as the longtime star of the courage of Caroline du Nord Denise Osullivan.

The American coach Emma Hayes led to his first USWNT match in the Park of Sports Dicks in the United States victory on the Republic of Korea on June 1, 2024. Colorado recently became the new city of expansion of the National Womens Soccer League, and the club should start playing in 2026.

Ireland is one of the most difficult European teams to play, so I am happy that we can get these matches, said Hayes. We have to play teams that will push us and create an environment where our players must solve problems and play under pressure. Were still at the start of our construction process towards qualifying in the World Cup for 27 and we still have a lot of growth to do as a team and as an individual, so these summer matches in these large football sites will again provide a platform so that players show their ability to excel at a high level.

Additional notes: the United States has met Ireland 15 times and won each match. Colorado is the original state of several current USWNT players in the team captain Lindsey Heaps (Golden) and the attackers Sophia Wilson (Windsor) and Mallory Swanson (Highlands Ranch). The United States is 7-0-1 on the scene with the last match being the beginnings at Emma Hayes last summer. The first game in Denver for American women came in 1999 after the famous victory of the World Cup when the world champions played at Mile High Stadium.Cincinnati TQL Stadium, which opened its doors in 2021 and which shelters FC Cincinnati de MLS.The uswnt played for the last time at TQL Stadium in September 2023 against South Africa, a 3-0 victory. Coach Carla Ward, a longtime head coach of the women's super League in England, was scout for Emma Hayes staff during the 2024 Olympic Games in France.

Prevention for the USWNT against the matches of the Republic of Ireland at Commerce City, Colorado and Cincinnati, will start tomorrow, Tuesday March 25, and will end on Friday March 28 at 8 a.m.

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