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The world's first new flu case in the sheep found on Yorkshire Farm

The world's first new flu case in the sheep found on Yorkshire Farm



Steve Jones

BBC News, Yorkshire

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This incident was found in a sheep on Yorkshire's farm (stock image)

The world's first bird flu was found in the United Kingdom, and veterinarians confirmed.

The exact location of the farm was unknown, but the government spokesman said the incident was confirmed in the site of the Yorkshire where the bird flu was confirmed as captive.

The spokesman said that a single -infected amount was “humanistically curling” and no more than a group was found after the “extensive test”.

“There is no evidence that suggests the risk of the nation's livestock population.”

British veterinarian Christine Middlemis said that “strict” measures were provided to prevent further spread of disease.

She added: “The risk of livestock is still low, but it urges all animal owners to quickly report and immediately report signs of infection.”

'Very low danger'

Bird flu, also known as avian influenza or H5N1, is a disease caused by viruses that sometimes infect other animals and other animals.

A government spokesman has said that since 2021, British humans have “a small number of bird flu.”

All bars 1 was asymptomatic, but the infection warned that it could be “serious.”

The infection was detected by people with “a large number of infected birds and extended contact.”

The spokesman said that the disease continues to infect new mammals and spread between them, “increases the opportunity for the virus to evolve.”

“Concerns are that these changes in the virus can be easily spread between people at some point.”

Dr. Meera Chang, the head of the emerging infection of the British Health Security Bureau, suggests that the avian influenza virus we circulate around the world does not spread easily to people.

Dr. CHand added: “The risk of bird flu is still very low for the general public.”

Environment, Food and Rural Secretariat (DeFRA) said that 17 million farmers and prisoners were cured between November and February due to the spread of diseases throughout the UK.

A government spokesman said the infected amount is a sign of breastitis and an inflammation of the tissue of milk.

The amount of EWE affected has been negative for bird flu, the spokesman added.

According to Defra, the virus was first reported from the world for the first time in the world, according to Defra, according to Defra, the BIRD flu was found in other countries.

According to the American Public Health Agency, a case of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) was found in cows in the United States.

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The risk of bird flu is “very low” for the general public.

The National Sheep Association (NSA), which represents the views and interests of both producers in the UK, said, “There is room for doubt in the best time, but it should be avoided when the UK has a mandatory housing measure for poultry due to the occurrence of bird flu.

The Yorkshire Farm, where the incident was discovered, added that the sheep and poultry were maintained together.

PHIL Stocker, the chief executive of NSA, said that a positive example is “not threatening consumers' food safety.”

Tom Bradshaw, chairman of the National Farmers' Union, said:

“This remains a single case in the backyard, and no other infection has been found among the rest of the sheep.

“Commercial producers are doing their best to protect animals according to strict biological security measures.

“The risk of the country's livestock population is still low, but all goalkeepers of the tamed poultry, cattle, sheep and goats are important to maintain high standard biological security and to keep the boundaries after the signs of disease.”

Defra deployed the UK in the “Avian Influenza Protection Zone” to prevent bird flu and prevent spread.

In 13 regions, mandatory housing measures have been introduced, which says that birds should be kept inside.

They Cheshire, Hull, East Riding of Yorkshire, Herefordshire, Lancashire, Merseyside, Norfolk, North Yorkshire, SHROPSHIRE York.

The food standard agency said that the poultry products with properly cooked poultry and poultry products, including eggs, can be eaten safely.




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