Why the American discussions in the Black Sea make nervous Europe

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Good morning. Donald prevails over Greenland's desire is back in the news: Mike Waltz, US national security advisor, and the energy secretary Chris Wright will go to the Danish island of the Arctic later this week and visit the Pituffik space base, in what officials are invoiced as a private visit.
Yesterday, in Saudi Arabia, American and Ukrainian negotiators resumed discussions on a potential peace agreement. Below, I explain why the subsequent discussions of American Russia today on the Black Sea make European nervous capitals, and Laura explains why mass demonstrations sweeping the turkey are problematic for Brussels.
Tomorrow, I will interview the head of the European Commission technology at the Henné Virkkunen on stage during the Financial Times event to allow the ambitions of Europe AI in Brussels, alongside the best FT colleagues and senior officials and experts. Register here to attend free or watch online.
Troubled waters
The States of the Black Sea of Europe nervously monitor the American-Russian peace negotiations on Ukraine continues today in Saudi Arabia, fearing a possible case which would restore some of the Moscowles on disputed waters.
Context: US President Donald Trump asked for a quick end of the war in Ukraine and opened bilateral negotiations with Moscow and kyiv in order to find a framework for a peace agreement. European countries are not directly involved in discussions.
Moscow and Washington negotiators will discuss black sea safety and a potential resumption of export routes in Riyadh today, with the intention of linking a naval agreement to a broader peace agreement.
Mike Waltz, Trumps, National Security Advisor, said yesterday that talks would focus on a black sea cease-fire so that the two parties can move cereals, fuel and start trade in the Black Sea.
EU Littoralstates Romania and Bulgaria are wary of any significant modification of the Statu quo in the Black Sea in the context of any broader potential agreement between Russia and the United States, regional officials told the FT, since it would extend the operational area of the Russian Navy.
Ukraine managed to chase the Navy of Russia from the western part of the sea, in one of the most striking military achievements in the war of more than three years. Any negotiated agreement should therefore be beneficial for Moscow, officials said, and could affect the security of their country without giving them their say.
It is our neighborhood and we do not trust the Russians if they have more freedom to operate, said one of the civil servants.
US and Russian officials described today's talks and techniques, involving intermediate level officials rather than higher politicians.
However, the best Russian sent from Russia, Steve Witkoff, seemed quite optimistic.
I think you will see in Saudi Arabia Monday some real progress, especially since it affects a ceasefire in the Black Sea on ships between the two countries, he told Fox News.
Chart of the day: Takeover
Elon Musk’s links with Donald Trump become an obstacle to the global deployment of Starlink, as presented by his recent unsuccessful efforts to recover an agreement of $ 1.5 billion with Italy.
Danger signs
The EU warned Turkey not to deviate from democratic standards after the arrest of President Recep Tayyip Erdoans Challenger and hundreds of demonstrators, writes Laura Dubois.
Context: last week, the mayor of Istanbul, Ekrem Mamolu, was arrested by the police for corruption and accusations of terrorism, triggering mass demonstrations. It is the first time that a member as high -end of the main party of the Republican peoples (CHP) has been held under the long -standing domination of Erdoans.
Yesterday, a court judged that Mamolu should remain in prison awaiting trial, a decision he called a black spot on democracy. The government has also banned demonstrations in certain cities and has held more than 600 demonstrators across the country since Friday.
These movements put the EU in an clumsy position, at a time when Brussels seeks narrower links with Ankara in the face of the threats of Russia and an indifferent us.
Next month, the EU and Turkey are expected to organize a high -level economic dialogue for the first time since 2019, when relations have grilled on the unauthorized drilling operations of Ankaras in the eastern Mediterranean.
But the arrest of Mamolu, which denies the reprehensible acts and previously announced that he wanted to challenge Erdoan to the presidency, forced Brussels to react.
EU’s foreign law spokesman Anitta Hipper said yesterday that Mamolu's arrests and demonstrators asked questions about Trkiyes to his long-standing democratic tradition.
Hipper said that as an EU membership candidate, Trkiye had to maintain democratic values.
The rights of elected officials, as well as the right to peaceful demonstrations must be respected, she warned.
What to look at today
The EU Kaja chief diplomat is called Israel and Visit Palestine.
Meeting of the Ministers of EU Agriculture and Fisheries in Brussels
Informal meeting of the EU health ministers in Warsaw.
Lithuanian Prime Minister GintaUtas Paluck meets his Estonian counterpart Kristen Michal in Tallinn.
Now read them
Redux financial crisis: The main EU financial guard dogs told the FT that the regulations in the event of watering risked another economic collapse.
Nuclear option: prevails over Moscow in Moscow and NATO's contempt threatens consensus on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons.
Continue to circulate: kyiv called on the EU to renew a trade agreement for lifting tasks and quotas on Ukrainian exports, or may harm the consequences.
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