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American air strikes targeting the Houthi rebels of Yemen Kill 2

American air strikes targeting the Houthi rebels of Yemen Kill 2



Dubai, air strikes from the United Arab Emirates (AP) targeting the Houthis Yemens rebels has crinized sites across the country at the start of Tuesday, the group claiming that an attack in the capital killed at least two people and injured more than a dozen others.

The American strikes on the rebels, which threaten maritime trade and Israel, entered their 10th day without any signs of stopping. They are part of a campaign by American president Donald Trump targeting the rebel group while trying to put pressure on Iran, the main benefactor of Houthis.

So far, the United States has offered no details on the sites it was hit, although Trumps National Security Advisor Mike Waltz said the attacks had deleted Houthi management, including their chief missile. It is something so far that has not been recognized by the Houthis, although the rebels have minimized their losses in the past and exaggerated their attacks by trying to target American warships.

We struck their headquarters, Waltz told CBS against the nation on Sunday. We have struck the communication nodes, arms factories and even some of their drone production facilities that are too aquatic.

An apparent American strike on Sunday struck a building in a western neighborhood in Yemens Capital, Sanaa, killing at least two people and injuring 13 others, said the Saba press agency controlled by the rebels, citing health officials. Images released by rebels have shown the rubble of a collapsed building and blood pools staining gray dust covering the ground.

APO AP: US air strikes targeting the Houthis Yemens rebels kill at least 1 person, says the group

The AP correspondent, Naeun Kim, reports the United States in dismissal on Yemens Capital while his campaign against the Houthi rebels continues.

A building next to the collapsed structure was still, suggesting that the American forces probably used a smaller yield in the strike.

The Houthis have also described American air strikes targeting sites around the city of Saada, a Houthi bastion, the port city of the Red Sea, Hodeida and the province of Marib, housing oil and gas fields still under the control of allies to the central government exiled in Yemens. These strikes continued early Tuesday as the Houthis launched a missile attack against Israel separately.

The air strike campaign targeting the rebels, which killed at least 53 people immediately after starting on March 15, started after the Houthis threatened to start targeting Israeli ships again on aid of Israel blocking aid by entering the Gaza Strip. Rebels in the past have had a loose definition of what constitutes an Israeli ship, which means that other ships could also be targeted.

The Houthis had targeted more than 100 merchant ships with missiles and drones, flowing two ships and killing four sailors during their campaign targeting ships from November 2023 to January this year. They have also launched attacks targeting American warships, although none has been hit so far.

The attacks considerably increased the profile of the Houthis while they were faced with economic problems and launched a repression targeting any dissent and workers in Le Havre




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