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Senior American officials shared the classified details of military strikes with the journalist

Senior American officials shared the classified details of military strikes with the journalist



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The senior American officials, including the vice-president and defense secretary, accidentally shared classified details on military strikes in recent weeks on Yemen with a journalist in an unofficial messaging group, in an amazing security violation that sparked a tumult in Washington.

JD Vance and Pete Hegseth were one of the members of a group of sign cats who discussed the most important military action for the most important military action since he returned to the White House and has castigated European allies for the Freeloads of the United States.

The apparent security violation intervened after Jeffrey Goldberg, editor -in -chief of Atlantic magazine, was added to the cat by national security advisor Mike Waltz before the last weeks attacks against the Houthis rebels of Yemen after threatening to resume attacks on expedition to the Red Sea.

The Houthis launched dozens of attacks on merchant ships and American navy ships in the Red Sea last year, saying that they were in solidarity with the Palestinians in response to the Israel offensive against Hamas in Gaza.

A report of the messages that expressed disdain for European allies and suggested asking them to pay the operation was published on Monday.

The veracity of the cat was confirmed by the National Security Council. Currently, the message thread that has been reported seems authentic, and we are examining how inadvertently has been added to the channel, said NSC spokesperson Brian Hughes.

The thread is a demonstration of deep and thoughtful political coordination between senior officials. The continuous success of Operation Houthi demonstrates that there was no threat to our soldiers or national security.

According to Goldberg, Vance suggested that the threat of the Houthis was more a European problem, because only a small fraction of the American trade crossed the Suez Canal. He expressed his concerns that the American attack was an error that risked a peak in oil prices while bailing out Europe.

A number of group members have suggested that Europe could be invited to compensate for the United States for strikes. Waltz said he was working with the ministries to determine how to compile the associated costs and take them from Europeans.

Another contributor, who seemed to be the deputy chief of staff of the asset, Stephen Miller, suggested: if the United States successfully restored the freedom of navigation at a cost, there must be an additional economic gain extracted in return.

Hegseth, a former Fox News host, wrote that he had shared the disturbing vice-presidents of European freeload.

Trump told journalists on Monday that he knew nothing about the cat disclosed before attacking the point of sale that published the story. I am not a big fan of the Atlantic, for me, it is a magazine that goes bankrupt. I think it's not really a magazine.

The messages sparked a storm of fire in the American capital, the democratic politicians exploding the Trump administration for incompetence.

Jack Reed, the Senator of Rhode Island and the best democrat of the Armed Services Committee of the High Congress House said: if it is true, this story represents one of the most blatant failures of operational security and common sense that I have ever seen.

JB Pritzker, the Illinois Democratic Governor, wrote on X: the incompetence of the Trump administration endangers us in the country and abroad.

In a rare case of criticism, republican politicians have also criticized the exchange. Classified information should not be transmitted to unsecured channels and certainly not to those without security authorization, including journalists. The period, Mike Lawler, member of the New York Republican Congress, wrote on X on Monday. The guarantees must be set up to ensure that this is no longer happening.

EU superior diplomats said that the comments of vances reflected in particular his deep animosity towards Europe, but that it was always shocking to see how he hated American support for the continent and his interests.

It is incredible how distorted his thought is [on the benefits of bombing Yemen]said an EU diplomat.

His good, said another. Really incredible.




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