American actions climb in the hope of less aggressive prices

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Technological actions have led to Wall Street on Monday in the middle of the growing optimism that Donald prevails over the imminent rates which will be less aggressive that the question.
The S&P 500 Blue Chip jumped 1.8%, while the Nasdaq composite heavy with technology raised 2.3%. Tesla, who has dropped in recent weeks when major technological actions have undergone strong pressure, have skyrocketed by almost 12%.
The Monday gains came after the S&P broke a sequence of four weeks last week and is the last sign that a period of underperformance marked for American actions this year could be relaxed.
Analysts said the feeling had been stimulated by the weekend report that the White House was planning to water some of the prices that should come into force on April 2, nicknamed the Liberation Day by Trump. The president said on Friday that there would be flexibility in his plans to apply reciprocal prices to American trade partners.
I think that this ultra bearish theme in the United States and at the end of us, the theme of exceptionalism, is a little too cooked, said Brad Bechtel, analyst at Jefferies. We knew that it was going to be a noisy process and the noise created a lot of lowering. [But] This drop will not last and positive vibrations can return.
Better than expected, data from the manufacturing and services in the United States, published Monday morning, provided additional encouragement.
The S&P Globals Flash US Composite Acient Index index has reached a three -month summit of 53.5. All reading greater than 50 suggests that most companies report activity growth. Expansion in the USS services sector has represented the increase, with manufacturing activity contracts.
The hope that the regularization and rationalization of the pricing policy will come at the origin of the gains, said Thierry Wizman, global foreign exchange and rate at Macquarie.
The US government's obligations fell sharply on Monday while shares rose, with the 5 -year -old treasure yield, which passes inversely at prices, increasing 0.09 percentage points to 4.34%. The dollar increased by 0.2% against a basket of six other important currencies.
Actions have held their gains after Trump said the United States would impose a 25% tariff on any imports from any country that buys Venezuela oil or gas.
European actions were relatively moderate. The STOXX Europe in the 600 region fell 0.1% and Germanys Dax closed by 0.2%. Londons Ftse 100 was flat.
Investors have shot out of American actions this year after Trump described the radical reorientation plans for trade policy and gave an Elon Musk license, head of the so-called Ministry of Government Effectiveness, to find potential savings through the federal government.
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