New executive chairman to promote innovation and growth throughout the UK

Technical entrepreneurs and founder Metail, Tom Adeyoola, have been selected as the UK's preferred Innovation British Officer to make plans to lead the growth support business throughout the UK. Innovative UK should invest in game change innovation from advanced AI to zero transportation, supply fuel to our plans for changes in TOMS leadership, expand innovation in the UK, expand innovation in the UK, and make innovative efforts. On the global stage
Technical entrepreneur and business leader Tom Adeyoola will lead Innovate UK to unlock the potential of the UK business and turbocharged growth.
After the parliamentary confirmation, TOM will work as chairman of Innovate UK, the largest national public research funding applicant, helping companies to change cutting -edge ideas into real products.
The agency supports the ambitious company, leads innovative technology, and supervises the UKS dialysis network to connect business with world -class R & D expertise. Through 100 million innovative accelerator programs, we have already created high skilled jobs and new opportunities in Glasgow, Manchester and West Midland, allowing them to become a global hub from high -end manufacturing to life science.
In 2023/2024, more than 450,000 innovators of this institution were supported by the agency, including the support for successful scale businesses such as Pragmatic, which has grown from dozens of employees in dozens of employees to strengthen everyday technologies on smartphones.
Innovate UK was an initial sponsor of Oxford nanopore technology, and handheld DNA sequencing technology is used worldwide from the current disease diagnosis to virus trace such as Covid-19. Their success not only changed health care, but also led economic growth, and the company now reached $ 14.9 billion and generated about 180 million sales annually.
Innovative UKS Flagship Future Flight Challenge offers faster medical delivery, aviation taxi cutting time and green transportation options.
Tom Adeyoola offers a rich experience of technology, investment, entrepreneurship and digital innovation. As a co -founder of Extend Ventures, he worked with Innovate UK to improve the diversity of subsidies and support poor entrepreneurs. He is also active at the Startup Union's Steering Committee, which advocates high -growth technology businesses throughout the UK.
Vallance Science said:
Innovation is the core of the government's change plan, helping to unlock new opportunities, increase productivity, and create expensive jobs throughout the UK.
Based on the experiences of technology, entrepreneurship and digital innovation, Tom Adeyoola has a practical impact on the UK's UK supporting pioneering business, expanding innovative innovation and bringing the UK in the future industry.
I am grateful to Indo Mukerjee and Stella Peace for all contributions to this point, and I look forward to working with TOM to continue to start innovative business and grow in the world.
During the board of Channel 4, he focused on digital innovation and raised innovation funds in the creative industry. He was also the driving force for exploring the influence of the creation AI on the economy, from education to public services. His harmony of his business, technology and policy expertise allows him to control innovative UKS investment to help pioneering companies, from Greener Aviation to sustainable food production.
Ukri's chief executive Dame ottoline Leyser said:
Tom Adeyoolas appointment is excellent news about Innovate UK and UKRI as a whole. His experience and insight as a technology entrepreneur and business leader will provide tremendous benefits and expertise to the organization at this important time.
ID takes this opportunity and thanked Dr. Stella Peace for great leadership as a temporary executive. Stella is an Innovate UKS manager of Health Living and Agiculture and will continue to play UKRI.
According to Tom Adeyoolas leadership, Innovate UK will continue to sponsor business, support pioneering businesses, create expensive jobs, and switch cutting -edge ideas into a solution that improves the entire UK.
Tom Adeyoola told the receiving officer of Innovate UK:
Innovation UK plays an important role in promoting business to form a UKS future economy through state -of -the -art technology, creative industry or AI.
In cooperation with partners from ecosystems, industries and governments, investments affect multiplier, leading innovation to promote economic growth and strengthen UKS positions as global leaders in science and technology.
The appointment of Tom Adeyoolas will follow the competitive hiring process and will be subject to a preliminary investigation hearing of science, innovation and technical selection committee, which will be held on April 8th.
Notes to the editor
TOM will withdraw from all existing responsibilities in addition to the role of channel 4 board of directors and school governors.
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