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Hyundai to invest billions in the United States to stimulate manufacturing operations

Hyundai to invest billions in the United States to stimulate manufacturing operations



The panel of “The Big Money Show” discusses President Donald Trump's plan to bring manufacturing to America.

Hyundai plans to invest $ 20 billion to provide manufacturing operations in the United States, the White House announced on Monday.

Part of the investment, around $ 5.8 million, will build a new generation steel plant that will provide two of its American factories and employ more than 1,400 people. The rest of the money will be reserved to extend manufacturing in the United States

President Trump said the two business factories in Alabama and Georgia, “will soon produce more than a million American manufacturing cars each year” due to the investment.

Security of the Ticker Last change of change% Hymtf Hyundai Motor Co. Ltd. 52.02 +1.31 + 2.58%

A logo of the South Korean car manufacturer Hyundai. (Photo by Yuriko Nakao / Getty Images / Getty Images)

The automaker is the last one among an increasing number of companies announcing plans to increase investments in the United States under the Trump administration, which uses prices to encourage companies to bring manufacturing to American soil and reduce dependence on foreign products.

Apple unveils a historic investment of $ 500 billion in American manufacturing, innovation: “ bullish on the future ''

“Cars are entering this country at levels never seen before. Prepare yourself. This investment is a clear demonstration that prices work very strongly,” said Trump.

Vice-president JD Vance posted on X earlier this month that companies will be rewarded for having invested and created jobs in America.

“We are going to reduce regulations and reduce taxes. But if you build outside the United States, you are alone,” he wrote.

Ticker Security Last Change %% Ge Aerospace 210.23 +6.10 + 2.99% Lly Eli Lilly & Co.864.90 +27.33 + 3.26% JNJ Johnson & Johnson 163.29 -0.34 -0.21% AAPPL Apple Inc. 220.73 +2.46 + 1.13% TSM Taiwan semi -d. Ltdd. 181.16 +4.43 + 2.51%

Hyundai news occurs just a few weeks after Ge Aerospace announced an investment of almost a billion dollars to help “strengthen manufacturing and increase the use of new innovative parts and materials necessary for the future of theft”. GE said that the funds, almost double the commitment of last year, will help increase the security, quality and delivery of engines, benefiting more than two dozen communities in 16 states. GE said that he would also hire around 5,000 American manufacturing and engineering workers.

Eli Lilly invests 27 billion dollars more in American manufacturing

Eli Lilly announced in February that she was investing an additional 27 billion dollars to stimulate domestic production of drugs, bringing the total American manufacturing investment of the company to more than $ 50 billion since 2020. Johnson & Johnson has also announced an investment of $ 55 billion over four years.

Apple has also announced that it hires $ 500 billion over the next five years, which will involve building an AI advanced server manufacturing plant near Houston, as well as double the company's advanced manufacturing fund from $ 5 billion to $ 10 billion.

The technology giant also plans to establish an Apple manufacturing academy in Detroit, as well as hiring 20,000 new employees focusing on research and development, silicon engineering, artificial intelligence and automatic learning.

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Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company said that it will invest $ 100 billion in the flea giant and semiconductive flea-based flea shipping, CMA CGM will invest $ 20 billion in the United States shipping and logistics.

Softbank, Damac, Meta and others have also been committed to investing in the United States under Trump. Even the CEO of Nissan, Makoto Uchida, suggested that Trump's prices could force the automaker to move his production outside of Mexico.

A Hyundai Motor Company employee works on a Hyundai Elantra vehicle on the mounting chain. (Doug Kanter / Bloomberg via Getty Images / Getty Images)

The administration presented that “Trump's mission is to make America the manufacturing superpower of the world”. While the economist Michael Szanto thinks that the return of manufacturing in the United States is a “worthy objective”, he said that he “would take time and will not be painless”.

“The construction of advanced factories such as flea foundries can take years and cost billions of dollars,” said Szanto. He said prices can increase in the short term because the United States is missing “some of the people to even build certain factories, not to mention staff”.

However, he said that “our strength in manufacturing is that the United States has some of the greatest energy resources to feed our factories at a lower cost” and that “in future progress in automation and robotics will allow us to mitigate staff shortages”.




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