European universities provide scientific asylum to American researchers fleeing Trumps | Trump administration

Lacé of terms such as censorship and political interference, the announcement of jobs based in Belgium was far from typical. The promise of academic freedom, however, alluded to whom it was aimed: researchers in the United States who seek to flee the financing of gels, cuts and ideological impositions inaugurated by the administration of Donald Trumps.
We consider it to be our duty to come to the help of our American colleagues, said Jan Dancekaert, the rector of Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), explaining why his university founded in 1834 to protect the universities of the interference of the Church or the State had decided to open 12 postdoctoral posts for international researchers, with a particular accent on the Americans.
American universities and their researchers are the greatest victims of this political and ideological interference, Dancekaert said in a press release. They see millions of research funds disappear for ideological reasons.
The university is part of a handful of institutions across Europe that have started to actively recruit American researchers, offering a paradise for those who wish to escape Trump administrations the repression of research and the university world.
Since Trump took power at the end of January, researchers in the United States have been faced with a several-part attack. Efforts to reduce public spending have left thousands of employees who are preparing for layoffs, especially in institutions such as NASA, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the USS Pre -eminent Climate Research Agency. Governments targeting swakeism have wanted to eliminate funding for research deemed involving diversity, certain types of vaccines and any mention of the climate crisis.
In France, the director of the prestigious Pasteur Institute of Paris, Yasmine Belkaid, said that he was already working to recruit people from the whole Atlantic to work in fields such as infectious diseases or the origins of the disease.
You could call it a sad opportunity, said Yasmine Belkaid, director of the Pasteur Institut de Paris. Photography: Romuald Meigneux / Sipa / Rex / Shutterstock
I receive daily requests from people who want to come back: French, Europeans or even Americans who no longer feel capable of doing their research or who are afraid of doing so freely, Belkaid told the French newspaper. You might call it a sad opportunity, but it's an opportunity, all the same.
The feeling was taken up by the Minister Frances of Higher Education and Research, Philippe Baptiste, in a recent letter which called for research institutions to send proposals to the best way to attract talents from the United States. Many well-known researchers are already questioning their future in the United States, he said. Naturally, we want to accommodate a number of them.
The Netherlands said on Thursday that he was aimed at quickly launching a fund to attract researchers to the country.
While the fund would be open to people of all nationalities, the Minister of Education of the countries, EPPO Bruins, alluded to the tensions which seized the university world to announce the plans.
There is currently a large global demand for international scientific talents. At the same time, the geopolitical climate changes, which increases the international mobility of scientists, Bruins said in a letter to Parliament.
Several European countries respond to it with efforts to attract international talents, he added. I want the Netherlands to remain at the forefront of these efforts.
The Dutch effort comes after Frances Aix-Marseille University said that it had set up a program entitled Safe Place for Science which would put aside the financing of more than two dozen researchers from the United States for three years.
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We want we did not have to do so, said Ric Berton, president of universities. Did not try to attract researchers. But we were quite indignant at what was going on and we estimated that our colleagues in the United States crossed a disaster that we wanted to offer a kind of scientific asylum to those whose research is hampered.
Two weeks after the launch of the program, there were approximately 100 requests, with researchers from Yale, NASA and Stanford among those who expressed their interest. The University continues to receive around 10 requests per day, said Berton, many of whom are involved in the study of climate, health or social sciences.
Berton said he hoped that universities across Europe would join his to provide a safe space to researchers. I think we have to realize that the historical moment lived and the serious and long-term consequences that it could have, he said. Europe must go on occasion.
In Vub, the opening of the 12 postdoctoral positions also aimed to recognize the world's world impact on Trumps. Two research projects in which the University was involved in a diving in young people and disinformation and another investigating transatlantic dialogue between the United States and Europe has been canceled due to modified political priorities, he said.
For the University of Brussels, openings were also a kind of justification. In a 2016 interview with Fox News, Trump had sought to characterize life in Brussels, as living in hell, falsely accusing migrants in the city of not having assimilated.
At the time, the declaration sparked many emotional reactions in Europe, the university said. This gives an additional symbolic meaning to the VUB initiative.
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