Carney deplores Canada's lost friendship with us in town that housed the Americans after September 11

Canadian Prime Minister of Toronto (AP) Mark Carney deplored Canada lost friendship with the United States while visiting the city that housed thousands of American airline passengers blocked after the September 11 attacks.
Carney's visit to Gander, Newfoundland on Monday, on the second day of a national electoral campaign, comes in the context of a trade war and threats of sovereignty by US President Donald Trump. The almost daily attacks against Canada's sovereignty left Canadians feeling betrayed.
“In this crisis caused by the American president and those who allow him, we move a lost friendship,” said Carney. At Gander, Canadians did extraordinary things for Americans when they needed it. Now we have to do extraordinary things for ourselves.
Gander opened his arms to nearly 6,600 passengers from airlines diverted when the US government closed air space during September 11.
In a few hours, the city's population of 10,000 inhabitants in 2001 was overwhelmed by 38 traveler planeloads, but the inhabitants went to work in their kitchens and cleaned spare rooms to offer space and food to new arrivals.
When more than 200 flights were diverted to Canada following attacks on the United States, Canadians have moved the traffic from Toronto and Montreal to the East Coast.
The obscure and little used goyer has given his glory days as a stop point for transatlantic aviation before long -distance flights become possible. Built in 1938 in anticipation of the world war to come, it had the longest track in the world, and on September 11, it was the second busiest, taking 38 flights in Halifax, Nova Scotias 47.
When people needed help, you gave it
The flight crews quickly filled Ganders hotels, so the passengers were taken to schools, fire barracks, church rooms. The Canadian army has stolen from 5,000 beds. The stores gave blankets, coffee machines, barbecue grills. Unable to recover their luggage, passengers have become dependent on the kindness of foreigners, and he came in the form of clothes, showers, toys, phone banks to call at home for free, an arena that has become a giant-given refrigerator full of food given.
Once all planes landed or turned to Europe, the Ganders air traffic controllers went to cooking meals in the building constantly for three days.
On Monday, Carney visited the home of Beulah Cooper, who opened his house and comforted a lot, including Dennis and Hannah Orourke, an elderly couple whose son of New York firefighter, Kevin, disappeared at the World Trade Center and was then confirmed to have died.
The Orourkes remained friends with Cooper long after and returned to Gander, saying that they felt eternally in debt.
Over 6,000 passengers. Overnight, the population of cities almost doubled, “said Carney during a speech to the residents. You have shown friendship to people who were afraid. In crisis, you have shown your character. When people needed help, you gave it. “
Carney noted that the story of this day has become a legend, immortalized in the successful Broadway Broadway comedy from the interview.
He has become another example of the unbreakable link between Canadians and Americans. Because when the Americans are in need, Canadians have always presented themselves, said Carney.
Carney says Canadians have to turn to themselves
Carney noted that Canadians have always been alongside the Americans, whether during the Iranian hostage crisis, or more recently during California forest fires or Afghanistan, where Canada lost 158 members of the armed forces and seven civilians.
Read more: how this American border city is struggling with Trumps Trade War with Canada
Trump declared a trade war against its northern neighbor and continues to call Canada to become the 51st state, a position that merged Canadians. The American president threatened the economic constraint in his threats of annexation and suggested that the border is a fictitious line.
Trump put 25% of rates on Canadas Steel and aluminum and threatens radical prices on all Canadian products as well as all the commercial partners of the Americas on April 2.
Carney said the Canadians were above the treason shock, but should now watch themselves. He said that Canadians and Americans were traditionally like brothers.
“But that has changed. And it was not us who made the change. Unfortunately, the president prevails over the actions put this kinship under greater pressure today than at any time in our legendary history,” said Carney.
Carney and his conservative opponent, Pierre Hairy, said Trump should respect Canada's sovereignty when they launched their electoral campaigns on Sunday. Carney announced a five -week electoral campaign before the vote on April 28.
Carney has still not had a phone call with Trump and suggested that it might not happen before the elections. I am available for a call. But you know that we are going to talk about our conditions as a sovereign country, not as what he claims that we are, said Carney.
He said that the Americans made a fundamental error “in the trade war.
They think they will weaken us. They think they can have us frankly, that's what they think, he said. We will become stronger. We will wait for this. They will come to the table and we will negotiate a good deal for Canadians.
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