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Russia and Ukraine make mediated discussions by the United States in Riyadh: what to know

Russia and Ukraine make mediated discussions by the United States in Riyadh: what to know



Ukrainian and American officials held a second session of negotiations in Saudi Arabia on Tuesday to discuss a possible limited ceasefire, one day after the Russian and American delegations had similar discussions that lasted more than 12 hours.

Kyiv and Moscow organized talks separated by the United States in Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia, to discuss a temporary moratorium on the strikes on energy sites, as well as a ceasefire in the Black Sea, a vital path for the two nations to export goods in what could be a crucial step towards a complete Russia Redu Ukraine.

Ukraine held its first talks on Sunday, followed by Russia on Monday. A Ukrainian official, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss negotiations, said the talks continued on Tuesday morning, and the Ukrainian media said they had ended after about an hour. The discussions aim to find common ground between kyiv and Moscow, but the two parties warned of an imminent case.

What about the agenda

Riyadh meetings are expected to focus on the details of a provision agreement between Russia and Ukraine to temporarily stop strikes on energy infrastructure.

But Sergey Lavrov, the Russian Minister for Foreign Affairs, said on Tuesday that the parties had mainly discussed the security of the Black Sea expedition and that the restoration of a grain agreement agreed in 2022 which allowed millions of tonnes of Ukrainian cereals. Lavrov said Russia was in favor of restoring the grain agreement, but only if Russian requests not specified were satisfied.

Serhii Leshchenko, a Ukrainian presidential advisor, said in a text message that Ukraine's American talks had focused on ports and infrastructure in the Black Sea. He said that the security of Ukrainian ports in Odesa, Mykolav and Kherson was discussed. Only Odesa ports are currently operational, although they are regularly struck by Russian drones and missiles. The ports of Mykolav and Kherson are closed due to the proximity of the front line.

Dmitri S. Peskov, Kremlin spokesperson, said on Tuesday that the Russian government was studying the results of the meeting between Russian and American delegations. He called the technical conferences and said the results would not be made public.

President Volodymyr Zelensky said Ukraine would prepare a list of infrastructure that could be included in the cease-fire agreement. He added that a third party should monitor the ceasefire and suggested that the United States could do so.

Steven Witkoff, whom President Trump pulled to be his personal envoy to President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, said that the ultimate goal of talks is a full 30-day cease-fire that would allow a negotiation period on a permanent truce.

But the path to such a truce was trembling. Moscow continues to emphasize maximalist positions, in particular on the assertion of territorial control and the guarantee that Ukraine never joins NATO. The Ukrainian government has repeatedly declared that it would not concede the requests of Kremlins and accused Mr. Putin of blocking time.

The Russian delegation

Russian negotiators are led by Grigory B. Karasin, a higher Russian diplomat and legislator, and Sergey O. Beeda, advisor to the head of the Federal Security Service, or FSB, Country Domestic Intelligence Agency.

Mr. Karasin described talks as creative, reported the Russian news agency Interfax.

Although Mr. Karasin was involved in sensitive talks in terms of foreign policy before, Mr. Beedas Choice surprised some.

Mr. Beeda was at the head of the FSB department responsible for international intelligence operations. It was described by the Russian media as one of the main sources of intelligence that convinced Mr. Putin in 2022 that there was a pro-Russian feeling in Ukraine and that a rapid invasion could easily dismantle the government in kyiv.

In 2023, Kyrylo Budanov, the Ukraine military intelligence leader, described Mr. Bheeda as a very problematic person in Ukraine who hurt a lot.

The Ukrainian delegation

Mr. Umerov directs the Ukrainian delegation to Riyadh, with Pavlo Palisa, one of Mr. Zelensky's main military advisers.

Mr. Umerov and Mr. Palisa are both members of the Ukrainian delegation for peace discussions that Mr. Zelensky appointed this month, a group led by his chief of staff, Andriy Yermak. Mr. Umerov was a key negotiator for Ukraine in peace with Russian diplomats in the first months of war.

Ukrinform, the state news agency, said the Ukrainian team included assistant ministers and energy ministers, as well as Mr. Zelenskys, the best diplomatic advisor.

Mosques position

Last week, Putin told Trump in a telephone conversation that Russia would only accept a temporary truce if Ukraine stopped mobilizing soldiers, forming troops or importing weapons for the duration of any break in the fight.

Mr. Putin also demanded the complete cessation of military aid and foreign intelligence in kyiv, appealing to the key condition to prevent an escalation of the conflict and progress towards his resolution by political and diplomatic means, according to the reading of the Kremlins call.

The White House said that military aid and intelligence with Ukraine would continue despite the requests from Kremlins. But the Trump administration was less clear on Moscow calls for territorial concessions.

On Sunday, Mr. Witkoff echoes a subject of discussion of the Kremlin when he tried to legitimize the referendums staged that the Russian occupation forces held in certain parts of Ukraine to justify the annexation of the territories taken by the military force. There is an opinion in the country of Russia that they are Russian territories, Witkoff told Fox News.

Basically, the position of Russia concerning the conflict remained the same. The Kremlin says that it wants to eliminate the deep causes of the crisis essentially demanding that Ukraine capitulates.

Kyivs position

Ukraine had previously accepted an unconditional 30 -day truce to stop all combat operations, at the request of the Trump administration. But after Moscow said he would only support a partial ceasefire on energy infrastructure, Mr. Zelensky spoke with Trump and accepted the limited truce.

In recent days, Ukrainian officials have established red lines entering negotiations: kyiv will never accept Russian sovereignty on occupied Ukrainian territory; He will not accept being prevented from joining NATO or reducing the size of his army; And he must have security guarantees as part of any peace regulations.

Many Ukrainian officials and analysts have expressed a doubt that even a limited ceasefire would be held for a long time, noting that the previous trèces between Moscow and kyiv were systematically raped, each side blaming the other.

I don't believe in a ceasefire. We have already experienced this, Kostantyn Yelieyev, a veteran diplomat and former Ukrainian foreign minister who participated in cease-fire negotiations in 2014 and 2015, in an interview.

What is the next step?

Witkoff said in an interview with Bloomberg News on Wednesday that Mr. Trump and Mr. Putin were likely to meet in Saudi Arabia in a few weeks. US officials will also continue talks with their Russian and Ukrainian counterparts in the Middle East to discuss the details of a limited truce.

But the foundations of the diplomatic process have been bank, said analysts, with Moscow and kyiv ready to continue fighting.

The two parties still believe that they can continue the war regardless of the American position, said Dmitry Kuznets, military analyst of the Russian media Meduza, who operates in Latvia after being prohibited by the Kremlin.

He added, the visions of Moscow and kyiv of what an agreement could look like is still infinitely far from each other.

Maria Varennikova and Minho Kim contributed the reports.




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