Certain American embassies in Europe after warnings to potential visa dryers: watch your step
Some American embassies in European nations go to social networks with sharp warnings to potential visitors: watch your stage.
Embassies in at least 17 countries have published articles featuring images of administration figures, including President Donald Trump, Secretary of State Marco Rubio and internal security secretary Kristi Noem, warning those looking for visas that the behavior deemed harmful by the government could be expelled.
In an article published by the United States Embassy in Tallinn, Estonia, the message is now read, if you are in this country to promote Hamas, promote terrorist organizations, participate in vandalism, to participate in acts of rebellion and riots on the campus, we would never have let you enter if we had known it. You lied to us. You came out.
Another position published by the United States Embassy in Budapest has a quote from Rubio, saying that we do not want people in our country to commit crimes and undermine our national security or public security.
Messages intervene when the Trump administration is accompanied by people with visas, such as international students or teachers, who participated in demonstrations on university campuses around the conflict in Gaza to support the Palestinians and against Israeli military actions.
This included the abolition of visas and the establishment of visas holders in immigration detention and preventing him from people from entering the country. Among the cases, there is that of Mahmoud Khalil, a graduate student at Columbia University.
During a regular briefing on Monday, the spokesperson for the State Department, Tammy Bruce, described the warnings.
Follow the law, Beneen, be a good visitor and everything will be fine, said Bruce. It's a visa. It is not a right. A visa and a green card are not duty of birth. These are privileges you have given … because of what you present in the United States.
She added that each sovereign nation of the world has an interest in controlling who enters, knowing who enters their country, what are their intentions.
Although its standard practice for those asking for visas enter the United States to be examined when it applies, the language used in the messages and campaign of the social media of the articles presents the position of the administration with regard to what is authorized to be in the country and what behavior that the American government considers acceptable.
Some positions reflect the repression of illegal immigration administrations, such as that published by the United States Embassy in Denmark. It has a quote from Noem saying, if you plan to travel illegally to the United States, don't even think about it.
The diplomatic writer after Matthew Lee contributed.
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