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British experts urge priority to research on 24 types of fatal pathogen families | Epidemic

British experts urge priority to research on 24 types of fatal pathogen families | Epidemic



Organic bodies that cause fatal diseases of pathogen families, including bird flu, infectious diseases and Ebola, are threatened with the health of the UK and prioritize research, government experts said.

The first tool of the UKHSA (UK Health Security Agency) shows 24 types of viruses and bacteria that result in biological security risk due to vaccine, test and treatment, climate crisis or drug resistance.

The pathogen family in the list causes many diseases that are currently invisible in the UK. However, Dr. Isabel Oliver, the chief scientific officer of Ukhsas, said that climate change can be spread, and large -scale occurrences in overseas can have a great influence around the world, including socioeconomic impacts.

Filoviridae family viruses include marburg and ebola bleeding fever, and Flaviviridae includes mosquito -mediated virus deng and zika. The emphasized bacterial family includes the hometown of Yersinia Pestis, which causes infectious diseases, and Bacillus Anthracis, which causes Anthrax.

Others include Orthomyxoviridae family including Coronaviridae family and avian influenza including Covid-19.

Oliver considers the fact that UKHSAS scientists have a high potential for some of these families, but also have a significant sensitivity in the event of a difference in current diagnosis, vaccine and therapeutic agents, or where there are changes in evolving and growing antimicrobial resistance.

She said that one of the concerns of the UKHSAS reflected in this tool can carry a virus that can cause disadvantageous health effects against humans related to climate and environmental changes.

Documents that will be updated regularly do not indicate whether any pathogen UKHSA is most likely to cause the next trendy Oliver, but it is the most needed for scientific investments and research. She said she would be used for dialogue with the scientific community, helping her to focus on places where investments could have the biggest impact.

Some diseases, including Caliciviridae family Norovirus, have already been burdened in the UK, but there are no specific treatment or vaccines.

According to the first report of the UK Cobid Survey, before 2020, there was too much focus on the danger of influenza epidemics, and the official took too long to meet the threat of other types of viruses.

The paramyxoviridae product line, which includes measles and nipah viruses, is one of the things that have been emphasized.

Mark Woolhouse, a professor of epidemiology at Edinburgh University, said he agreed to the evaluation. A new measles, such as a measles, said it would be much more threat than Kobid. These viruses are much higher in R. [indicating how contagious an infectious disease is] You can't even control even with the most stringent locks of Kobid's original variation. It is also much more fatal and will be a threat to children. This is the most concerned by public health institutions around the world.

In other words, the so -called diseases X and UKHSA reports are timely reminded that all eggs should not be put in one basket.




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