Disease family who need urgent scientific research -UK health security institutions

Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Corona Virus (MERS-COV) Virus particles located on the surface of Vero E6 cells
UKHSA (UK Health Security Agency) was established to protect health from infectious diseases and environmental risks. We have hundreds of pathogens that prepare for the threat of the future and cause diseases in humans to prevent health and socioeconomic impacts, but it is in a better position at any time due to the increase in diagnosis, treatment and vaccine (DTV).
There are always more things we can do, and we are not alone in this fight. The scientific community plays an important role in enhancing elasticity by researching and developing a DTV that solves the gap on our knowledge through research and development, including partners in academia and industries.
But how do scientists know what infectious diseases should focus on? Attempts to prioritize pathogens after Covid-19 Pandemic have become much more common, and the list of CEPIs created by infectious diseases such as the World Health Organization (WHO) helps to support the adjustment of the world's efforts.
UKHSA has now published its own perspective. The institution emphasizes 24 pathogen families who think that additional research is the most necessary for biological security through priority pathogen family reference tools, which includes those that affect the pathogen families of worldwide interests and national public health.
In this blog post, we look at how it will help to focus and guide the new priority pathogen family family reference tool and the best threats to public health.
Priority pathogen's family reference tools were designed to guide and support the decisions of the UK research fund applicants and science organizations. Specifically, tasks related to research and development on DTV.
There have been a big progress in recent years, but there is still a big gap in the place where DTVs are needed. Since there are many bacteria and viruses that may cause human diseases, the scientific community needs tools to determine priority and easily access the epidemics.
This tool is the first attempt of UKHSAS to emphasize the family where DTVs should be insufficient to fight imminent or infectious diseases. Strong research and development can be more important.
How the level of infectious diseases/infectious diseases was determined
In the case of 24 pathogens, the relative high/medium/low classification of the potential for infectious diseases and infectious diseases is proposed. This evaluation is based on the entire pathogen family. Individual pathogens in the family may have high potential or low potential to lead to infectious diseases and infectious diseases.
The rating is the opinion of UKSA experts considering whether the pathogen in the family has previously led to infectious diseases or infectious diseases and led to the transmission and seriousness of the disease from the pathogen known in the family.
However, UKHSA will defend active DTV studies over all families included in the tool (even those with relatively low classifications) included in the tool, given the risk of the emergence of a new pathogen that can represent 'disease X'.
A disease that increases scientific resources the most
Among the pathogen families that UKHSA wants to see a larger scientific stride stride, the CORONA NAVERY, which includes Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and SARS-COV-2, is a family. Paramyxoviridae family comprising Nipah virus; And orthomyxoviridae family including avian influenza.
All of these families are considered to have relatively high epidemic or epidemic potential by UKHSA. Other families featuring the list include Filoviridae (including the Ebola virus, which is proposed to have a high infectious disease potential) and the Poxviridae (including MPOX, also suggested that the potential for infectious diseases).
In the case of the eight bacterial families on the list (for example, enterobacteriaceae, including Klebsiela pneumoniae), we emphasized places with concerns about anti -microbial resistance. An effective diagnostic and treatment agent is needed to identify and treat resistant infections, or a new vaccine to prevent diffusion is the main reason for some priority.
Importantly, the reference tool is not a detailed threat, and the family list included in this tool is not thorough and is not ranked.
How to improve biological security
The 24 pathogen family lists were created to lead scientific investments and research and helped to strengthen UKS for pathogen families that could affect national biological security. This is the first list designed to focus on global public health threats and diseases that are most related to our population.
By identifying these major pathogens and encouraging target research, the goal is to improve the development of more effective diagnosis, vaccine and treatment. This means that if the outbreak of the future occurs, the UK will be in a more powerful position that can respond quickly and effectively, reducing the impact on public health and economy.
This list reflects the position where UKHSA sees the greatest potential of research to prepare for infectious diseases and to improve biological security. However, research on other pathogen families not included in the list is still important to ensure a wide range of and flexible response to emerging health threats.
The UK focuses on resources and expertise in this priority area, maintaining potential development and protecting public health more effectively for the next few years.
What UKHSA is doing to prevent the next infectious disease
This tool is part of the UKS biological security strategy and is one of some measures that UKHSA used to protect public health. The UKHSAS Vaccine Development and Evaluation Center and Diagnosis Center are both working closely with university and industry partners to identify and prepare potential disease threats, and priority pathogen tools can now help control these efforts.
In addition to the vaccine and diagnostic development, UKHSA is strengthening UKS capacity to detect and respond to emerging health threats. Through improved pathogenic monitoring and genome sequencing, UKHSA cooperates with international partners to identify new risks and implement rapid responses. These efforts ensure that the UK is well prepared to solve the future infectious diseases.
UKHSA combines research, development, and global collaboration to build a flexible and adjusted approach to public health to respond to future infectious diseases at speed.
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