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Could American forces in Europe face a refusal of supply and support? | Russia-Ukraine War News

Could American forces in Europe face a refusal of supply and support? | Russia-Ukraine War News



In early March, the Norwegian marine fuel supplier Haltbakkk Bunkers refused to serve an American warship, calling on others to boycott the American fleet.

The CEO of Haltbakk, Gunnar Gran, seemed to have been exasperated by the Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyys the public humiliation at the White House by the American president Donald Trump for having allegedly been ungrateful for American military support to defend his country against a Russian invasion.

Huge credit for the president of Ukraine holding back and having been calm even if the United States has organized a television program. It made us sick. No fuel for Americans! The company wrote in an article on Facebook.

The company then suppressed the Norwegian post and government quickly insisted that US warships would continue to take advantage of the supply and support they need.

But the incident highlighted the dependence of the American forces in Europe with regard to local suppliers and the goodwill of the government.

There have been moments in history when European refusal to help American forces have greatly complicated American operations.

At the start of the 1973 Arab-Israeli war, Greece and Cyprus refused to allow us ships and planes to help us refuel, forcing them to count on British aid.

A few days before the invasion of George W Bushs of Iraq in 2003, George W Bushs in 2003, Turkiye refused to allow American planes to use his air base in Incirlik or to cross Turkish airspace.

Partly for such reasons, American forces have built redundancies in their supply chain.

The sixth American fleet has a major base of replenishment in Greece suddenly Bay near Chania, Crete, whose mayor in 2005 wrote to the American ambassador saying: we do not want your warships. We want your cruise ships filled with doctors and lawyers.

Demetries Andrew Grimes was an American naval attaché to Greece at the time and in reaction to this extended American access from three to 11 ports because other mayors found the offer attractive.

A single small ship arrives to use a port installation will take place between $ 80,000 and $ 120,000 per day, [including] Water and fuel and supplies and waste disposal, tug operations. We spent around 350 million euros [$379m] A year in just Greece on fuel, he told Al Jazeera.

In interviews with Al Jazeera, European NATO officers painted a table of transparent cooperation.

Military-to-Military, his business as usual, said a European military source in Al Jazeera. We have no concerns about American commitment to its obligations in Europe. We just need to keep our heads down, do good work and be a good ally.

Keir Giles, expert in Russia and Eurasia at the Chatham House reflection group, told Al Jazeera that Haltbakks's rejection of the Soute service was counterproductive because he precisely alienated the people we have to keep on the side, who are the American forces who are really present in place.

Change hypotheses?

Until now, the hypothesis has been that the United States considered European security as vital for itself.

The access that we have in Europe with our ports and our bases from Spain to Italy via Greece, via Germany, they are there, said American general Ben Hodges, who commanded American forces in Europe from 2014 to 2018, said Al Jazeera. They did not keep the Greeks, the Turks or the Germans.

For example, any Russian marine circulation sailing in Saint Petersburg in the Atlantic Ocean must cross the denials of Skagerrak, less than 20 km (12 miles) at its widest point.

NATO officers told Al Jazeera that it was an area where a sea denial operation can even pass the Russian submarines with nuclear arms.

Russia has an alternative route to the Atlantic through the Barent Sea, but this is kept by the Navy of Norway and the United Kingdom, and the passages around Greenland, Iceland and Norway are sometimes called a killing area for ships and submarines of the Russian Navy.

However, the Trump administration has offended Denmark by saying that it will seize Greenland, a semi-self-self-territory territory, and it has offended Norway and other European allies by saying that it will not defend Europeans who do not pay their fair share to NATO, by calling its mutual defense clause in question something that no other President has done.

More recently, Trump threatened Canada.

These actions, threatening Canada, threatening Denmark, will have consequences for us, said Hodges. When asked if he thought there would be more incidents, he said, it is possible.

Some experts have told Al Jazeera that Trump's White House had abandoned the old -fashioned doctrine to make a common cause with Europe on security.

The American navy will have a strong interest in [these forward positions]. Will the Trump administration share this interest? This is a completely different question, said Giles.

What is happening in Europe now is what happened in Iraq and Libya years ago, the departure of the Americas leaves a security vacuum, said Greek retirement general Andreas Iliopoulos, a former assistant commander of the Hellenic army.

If the United States tries to make this reset with Russia in the way Trump does, then these bases in Europe lose all their strategic value. It is clear, said Iliopoulos in Al Jazeera. The Russian threat has ceased to exist. Trump and Putin act as allies at the moment.

The attraction for Trump in an understanding of security with Russia is to divert Russia from China, said Iliopoulos, but it is also probably savings.

The US European Command (EUCOM) has around 84,000 people stationed in Europe, more than a third of its total staff abroad. The United States pays the costs of full-fledged personnel and equipment, but the benefits of arms sales in Europe. Europe pays a third of basic costs but also benefits from the base income.

The doubts concerning the American commitment to European security have undermined the faith in the guarantee of mutual nato defense. The American Secretary of Defense, Pete Hegseth, reaffirmed him, but Trump made conditional at the defense expenditure levels which he did not define.

Many Europeans have wondered if the American forces stationed in Europe would even be ordered for the action in the event of an attack.

Allow us to exclude very big surprises if the antinstitutional nature of Trump-Musk actions continues at a point where he finally begins to be signs of resistance within the American system, said Giles, referring to Trump who affected the arbitrary powers of billionaire Elon Musk to reduce the federal government.

When asked if the United States decoupling process from Europe is irreversible, he said, it will soon be, unless it is resisted in the United States or something unexpected happens.




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