GSK, UK DEMENTIA Research Institute (UK DRI) and Health Data Research UK (HDR UK).

The first ITS-KIND Study11, which aims to deepen the understanding of the new collaboration target UKS Health Data Ecosystem, will assess the potential link between the shingles vaccine and the dementia risk reduction, and the evidence of evidence increases in observations and retrospective health. Bluefoot and D of research can be strengthened.
GSK PLC (LSE/NYSE: GSK) announced today's major new research cooperation with UK DEMENTIA Research Institute (UK DRI) and Health Data Research UK (HDR UK).
The innovative project aims to explore the potential link between GSK's shingles vaccine, recombinant journey vaccine (RZV) and dementia risk using UKS Health Data Ecosystem. Success can act as a blueprint for the population -level health data research model and strengthen the UKS location as a major destination for scientific research.
More than 55 million people around the world have Dementia5, and the case is the world's population. It is difficult to identify potential opportunities to reduce the risk of dementia, but it is difficult to consider various complex factors that can contribute to the development of the disease.
Data in multiple lateral observation studies shows the potential link between 1, 2, 3, and 4 dementia risks, including RZV. However, after these studies, the fragrance and observation characteristics of these studies means that it is vulnerable to unmeasured confusion factors, and it is impossible to determine causal relationships.
The new research cooperation aims to overcome this by evaluating the impact of RZV vaccination on the decrease in dementia by using electronic health data of UKS National Health Service (NHS). UK7 is about 1.4 million and 66 years old, and the eligible electronic health records are expected to provide powerful and comprehensive data sets that describe factors such as RZV vaccination, age, gender and coexistence. The study will take four years to complete.
Tony Wood, the chief scientific director of GSK, said: Uks National Scale Health Data Resources offers important opportunities for cutting -edge research. We hope that this world -class research cooperation will not only answer major questions that will help reduce the risk of dementia, but also lead to data -led research to solve the root cause of complicated diseases.
Peter Kyle said: Dementia is one of the biggest challenges for the health of our time, and research is very important to impress a lot of life and face deadly effects. This is an excellent example of the private sector to cooperate with the public and third sectors to enhance the understanding of how to reduce the risk of dementia by utilizing the power of health data.
Professor Andrew Morris, the British Health Data Research Research Officer: Dementia, is represented by one of the greatest challenges of our time, which affects millions of families across the UK. We work closely with NHS in four UK countries to ensure data privacy and security to enable preventive research, deepening understanding of disease, and to support people to keep people healthier to help them live longer in treating illness.
Professor SIDDHARTHAN CHANDRAN, director of Dementia Research Institute, said: I hope to identify.
EPI-ZOSTER-11 is an analysis of the semi- and practical evidence of 65 and 66 years old when the UK Shingles National Immunization Program (NIP) is expanded on September 1, 20238.
Adults who turned 65 from that day were eligible to receive GSKS recombinant journey vaccines (RZV). As part of a step -by -step implementation plan, an adult at the age of 66 will be able to get vaccination at the age of 70 at the time of expansion. This can cause natural random assignments and allow for comprehensive comparison of dementia risks due to RZV vaccination, which can occupy factors such as age, gender and other medical conditions.
This data is collected from the DEYDITIED ELECTRONIC HELLTH Records (EHR), which consists of information on several connected health data sets, including primary care, secondary treatment, drug records and death records of the UK, Scotland, Wales and North Ireland. This data provides information on health results for all ages, ethnic, geographic locations, socioeconomic and personal characteristics. After the feasibility assessment, the EHR is 70 years old and is safely analyzed for about four years until the RZV is given.
DEYDITIED HELLTH DATA is held by National Health Services and can only be accessible through reliable and safe research environments that comply with data personal information and security regulations. Research data is not accessible to the purpose of GSK or out of the scope of this study.
The use of RZV in this research population is followed by the British product label and NIP.
Aboutrecombinant Zoster Vaccine
Recombinant Jostor Vaccine (or RZV) is a recombinant sub unit vaccine of non -live, represented by shingles prevention of adults over 50 years old. It can be combined with antigen, sugar protein E and AD01b and auxiliary system, and can help to overcome the natural age -related reduction of reactions to immunity that contributes to protecting adults over 50 years of age. In several countries, RZV has been approved for an increase in the risk of shingles for adults aged 18 or older. The use of RZV should be followed by official recommendations and local product labels.
See the product information for important doses, management and safety information provided in this link:
About GSK
GSK is a global bio pharmaceutical company that integrates science, technology and talents to lead the disease together. Check out the details on
Health Data Research
Health Data Research UK is the National Institute of Health Data Science, which accelerates reliable use of reliable use of health data to enable people to improve people's lives. It is a charity organization that supports funds by the UK's research and innovation, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare in the UK and the equal medical research charity of the equal medical research of North Ireland, Wales and Scotland. Learn more at
British Dementia Research Institute Information
UK Dementia Research Institute (UK DRI) is a world -renowned research institute that supports funds by the Medical Research Committee. The British DRI is dedicated to changing the results of people at risk of neurochromatic conditions, accelerating the discovery, development and delivery of interventions that help diagnose, treatment and ultimately prevent dementia.
Statement to the future prediction statement
GSK warns that the future prediction statements or predictions written by GSK, including the contents written by investors in this presentation, require the actual results to receive different risks and uncertainty. These factors include the factors described in item 3, but are not limited to it. The risk factors for the GSKS annual report for the 2024 form 20-F are included.
Reference Schwab P, et al. Reduction of risks of recombinant ancestors and dementia: Matched cohort studies using large -scale electronic health records and machine learning methodologies. Green released at the International Conference (AAIC) of the Alzheimer's Association; July 28, 2024, 2024, Philadelphia, Pa Taquet, M., Dercon, Q., TODD, JA et al. Shingles vaccines to be recombinant are related to the low risk of dementia. Nat Med 30, 27772781 (2024). Eyting, M., et al. The causal evidence to prevent shingles prevents the proportion of dementia cases. Medrxiv: Free Print Server for Health Science. 2023 schnier, C., et al. Varicella zoster vaccine in Wales 2013-2020 decreases the incidence of dementia. Alzheimer's and dementia. 2022; 8 (1): E12293. WHO, 2023. Date approached in March 2025: Zhang xx, tian Y Alzheimer's Disease Fertilized Risk Factors and Epidemiology of Prevention. J previous Alzheimer Dis. 2021; 8 (3): 313-321. Doi: 10.14283/jpad.2021.15. PMID: 34101789. The National Statistical Office (2023), the death toll registered in the UK and Wales: 2023. 2025 Approached in January 2025: AndCommunity/Birthsdeatsandmarreades/DeathErcone, 25323 UK LEGEPLACTS/2023. November 2024. Shingles Immunization Program: Information for medical practitioners. March 2025 Approach Date: Shingles Immunization Program: Information for Medical practitioners -GOV.UK CUNNINGAM, AL, etc. New England Journal. 2016; 375 (11): 1019-32. GSK exclusive AS01 auxiliary system is agenus Inc. (NASDAQ: Agen), MPL, and Liposomes include QS-21 stimuli supplements with licenses from the antigenic LLC, a subsidiary of the LLC. Coalesce -HDR UK
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