Consumer confidence in the United States again fell in March

Consumer expectations for the future to a 12 -year -old hollow
New York, March 25, 2025 / PRNEWSWIRE / – The Confector Confector Consumer index fell from 7.2 points in March to 92.9 (1985 = 100). The current index based on consumer assessment of current business and labor market conditions was supplemented by 3.6 points to 134.5. The expectations on the short -term perspectives of consumers for income, businesses and labor market conditions exceeded 9.6 points at 65.2, the lowest level in 12 years and below the 80 threshold which generally signals an upcoming recession. The deadline for preliminary results was March 19, 2025.
“Consumer confidence has decreased for a fourth consecutive month in March, falling below the relatively narrow range which had prevailed since 2022,” said Stephanie Guichard, principal economist, global indicators at the Conference Board. “Among the five components of the index, only the evaluation of consumers of current labor market conditions has improved, although slightly. The views of current commercial conditions were weakening near neutrality. The economy and the labor market began to spread in consumer assessments of their personal situation.”
The fall of March with confidence was motivated by consumers over 55 and, to a lesser extent, those from 35 to 55 years old. On the other hand, confidence has increased slightly among consumers under the age of 35, such as an increase in their current situation assessments more than compensating the darker expectations. The decline was also wide between income groups, with the only exception to that households earning more than $ 125,000 per year.
Guichard added: “Probably in response to the recent market volatility, consumers have become negative on the stock market for the first time since the end of 2023. In March, only 37.4% of equity prices expected to increase during the year before 10 percentage points from February and 20 percentage points of the drop in the drop in 11 ppts. 12 months old, increased by 5.8% in February to 6.2% among merchant consumers, were concerned with high prices for keystands such as eggs and the impact of prices.
Consumers' opinions on the current financial situation of their families have improved slightly, but their expectations in future finance have decreased at the lowest level since July 2022. The proportion of consumers anticipating a recession in the next 12 months has remained stable at a nine -month summit. (These measures are not included in the calculation of the consumer confidence index). The share of consumers expecting higher interest rates in the next 12 months increased to 54.6%, against 52.6% in February, while consumers' share expecting a drop in interest rates dropped to 22.4% against 24.1%.
A particular question about the ease with which it is easy for consumers to train expectations about the future has found considerable self -confidence among consumers in the evaluation of their own future income and family financial situation, more than 45% deeming it easy and only 20% found this difficult. However, the training of expectations concerning wider economic trends seem more difficult: more than a third have struggled to assess employment and future commercial conditions while 38.8% were struggling to predict inflation.
On a six -month mobile average, purchase plans for houses and cars have decreased. Surprisingly, given anxiety about the future, intentions to buy large ticket items, including electronic devices and people, which can reflect purchase plans before imminent prices cause price increases. The overall intentions of consumers to buy additional services in the coming months have been little changed, but their priorities have changed. Fewer consumers planned to spend more on live films and entertainment or sports, and more plans to spend on outdoor activities and trips. Holiday plans have also increased.
Comments on the current administration and its policies, both positive and negative, dominated consumers' responses to what affects their opinions on the economy. The responses to writing have also shown that inflation is always a major concern for consumers and that concerns about the impact of trade policies and prices in particular are increasing. There were also more references than usual to economic and political uncertainty.
The current situation, consumer assessments of current commercial conditions were much less positive in March.
17.7% of consumers said that commercial conditions were “good”, compared to 19.1% in February. 16.6% said the commercial conditions were “bad”, compared to 14.8%.
Consumers' views on the job market have improved slightly in March.
33.6% of consumers said jobs were “abundant”, unchanged from February. 15.7% of consumers said jobs were “difficult to get”, down 16.0%.
Six months' expectations, consumer prospects for commercial conditions therefore worsened in March.
17.1% of consumers expected the commercial conditions to improve 20.8% in February. 27.3% of the expected commercial conditions worsen, compared to 25.5%.
Consumers' prospects for labor market prospects have also deteriorated.
16.7% of consumers expected more jobs, compared to 18.8% in February. 28.5% anticipated fewer jobs, compared to 26.6% in February
Consumers were more pessimistic about their income prospects in March.
16.3% of consumers expected their income to increase, down 18.8% in February. 15.5% expect their income to decrease, up 12.8%.
Evaluation of family finances and risk of recession
Consumer assessments in the current financial situation of their families have improved slightly in March. Consumer assessments of the expected financial situation of their families have been weakened at a hollow at 2 years. The perceived probability of consumers of an American recession in the next 12 months was held stable in March.
The monthly consumer confidence survey, based on an online sample, is carried out for the Conference Board by Toluna, a technological company that provides information on real -time consumers and market studies thanks to its innovative technology, expertise and panel of more than 36 million consumers. The deadline for preliminary results was March 19.
Source: March 2025 Survey of consumer confidence The conference committee
The Conference Board publishes the consumer confidence index at 10:00 a.m. HE on the last Tuesday of each month. Information on the subscription and technical notes of this series is available on the Conference Board website:
About the conference committee, the conference board of directors is the members of members who provide ideas of trust for what awaits us. Founded in 1916, we are a non-partisan and non-profit entity holding tax exemption status in the United States.
Source The Conference Board
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