The United States issues the new Syrian government in exchange for a repair of sanctions | Syria's war news

The United States has given a list of conditions to Syria that Damascus he wants to fulfill in exchange for relief from partial sanctions, in particular by ensuring that foreigners are not in superior roles, to six familiar people with the case in Reuters.
The American deputy assistant secretary of the Levant and Syria Natasha Franceschi gave the list of requests to the Syrian Minister of Foreign Affairs Asaad Al-Shibani at a meeting in person on the sidelines of a donor conference in Syria in Brussels on March 18, according to two of the people: an American official and a Syrian source familiar with the subject.
Neither the list nor the meeting in person of the first high -level direct contact between Damascus and Washington, since US President Donald Trump, took office on January 20 has already been reported.
Reuters spoke to six sources for this story, including two American officials, a Syrian source, a regional diplomat and two sources in Washington familiar. They all asked for anonymity to discuss high -level diplomacy.
Among the conditions laid down by the United States are the Syrian destruction of any remaining chemical weapons store and cooperation on counter-terrorism, the two US officials, the Syrian source and the two sources in Washington.
Another request was to ensure that foreign fighters are not installed in high -level roles in the structure of the Syrias, US officials and one of Washington sources.
Syria has already appointed foreign ex-reflectors, including Uighurs, a Jordanian and a Turkish, to his Ministry of Defense a decision that alarmed foreign governments.
Washington has also asked Syria to appoint an affair to help American efforts to find Austin Tice, the American journalist who disappeared in Syria over ten years ago, according to the two US officials and the two sources in Washington.
In exchange for making all requests, Washington would provide repair of sanctions, according to six sources. The sources did not specify which relief would be offered and said that Washington had not provided a specific calendar for the conditions to be met.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Syria and the US State Department have not responded to requests for comments.
Syria desperately needs the relief of sanctions to revive a collapsed economy of almost 14 years of war, during which the United States, the United Kingdom and Europe have put difficult sanctions against people, companies and whole sectors of the Syrian economy in order to tighten the leader Bashar al-Assad.
Some of these sanctions have been temporarily suspended, with a limited effect. The United States has issued a general license of six months in January to facilitate the flow of humanitarian aid, but this decision was not sufficiently considered to allow Qatar to pay the wages of the public sector through the Central Bank Syria.
Syrian officials, including Al-Shaibani and acting president Ahmed Al-Sharaa, have asked that the sanctions be fully lifted, saying that it is unfair to keep them in place after the Al-Assades reversing by a rebellious Lightning offensive in December.
A current policy
The delivery of requests is the clearest signal to date of the Trump administrations policy on Syria.
American statements focused on supporting minorities and the convictions of Islamist extremism, but they have otherwise little, leaving uncertainty about the future of sanctions and if the American forces will remain deployed in the Northeast.
This is partly due to different opinions in Washington on how to approach Syria. Some White House officials are looking forward to taking a harder position, highlighting the new Syrian leaders of former links with Al-Qaeda as a reason to maintain engagement at least, according to diplomats and American sources familiar with the process of policies.
The State Department requested a more nuanced approach to Syria, including possible areas of engagement, added the sources.
The differences led earlier this month to a stormy deliberation between the White House and the State Department on the US Secretary of State Marco Rubios denouncing violence in western Syria, where hundreds of civilians in the Al-Assad minority section were killed after an ambush for new security forces by loyalists armed at the old regime.
Rubio condemned radical Islamist terrorists, including the foreign jihadiss who have carried out violence and called on the interim authorities in Syria to hold the responsible authors.
The White House requested a more strongly written declaration while the State Department has rejected to add more balance, depending on the process.
Reuters reported last month that Israel was pressure on the United States to keep Syria weak and decentralized.
The administration still does not fully subscribe to the efforts of Israels to discourage the commitment of the United States with the new Syrian leaders, have said sources, but some of the Israeli concerns are gaining more traction with certain US officials.
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