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France and the United Kingdom are now led by hard power leaders in Europe.

France and the United Kingdom are now led by hard power leaders in Europe.



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According to the Czech Prime Minister, France and the United Kingdom have now become a powerful leader in Europe.

Petr Fiala told the Financial Times that the change in European leadership was to respond to Russia's continuous threats and to strengthen US President Donald Trump's military spending. The capital of Europe was anxious by the Trump administration's hostility to traditional allies and his devotion to Moscow, and Washington no longer described as an attacker of the Ukrainian war.

FIALA said that stronger nations have a larger country, the time people with concrete power, France and British, should play a bigger role.

France and the United Kingdom are leading the discussion of Union, which is willing to provide security after a dispute to Ukraine when Trump succeeds in stopping the ceasefire with Russia.

The Czech Premier said that the British leader, Keir Starmers, praised Ukraine's strong support and saw the UK's deeper participation in European security, not a means to join the EU again.

FIALA has long warned of punishing the UK for a long time to leave a block to a block. I have no chance here [EU] Re -integration I don't think it's the goal of the British people, but I hope for more powerful and open cooperation because it is very important to our continent.

Paris and London hosted meetings with leaders of other European capital to discuss the placement of common relief, and the next meeting is scheduled in the French capital on Thursday. The UKS Officer of the Defense Staff will hold a French opponent this week for a three -day military plan with other allied countries.

Czech President Petr Pavel suggested that the state would deploy the army with the allies when it recently reached a common contract. Fiala, which requires the government's approval in such a deployment, said that there is an early discussion of the ceasefire.

But we should be open to an option to prevent Russian invasion in the future, Fiala said.

FIALA says that Russia's threats have been broadly opposed to the largest state, assuming that Germany and France played historically and historically to lead the EU economic integration.

I was always a peace time against the powerful role of France and Germany, but it is important for the most powerful countries to work and accept their leadership in difficult time.

Germany plans to invest up to 1TN in military and infrastructure, which is now a policy U -turn caused by the Trump administration. German governor Friedrich Merz warned that Europe can no longer rely on the United States to defend the United States unconditionally. MERZ talked with Paris to investigate whether the French nuclear weapon can provide protection during the withdrawal of the United States.

FIALA said Berlin would be very important after MERZ took office in accordance with the current coalition talks.

Last year, the Czech government sent 520,000 shells of 155mm artillery and adjusted international efforts to purchase Ukrainian ammunition.

FIALA said Prague is likely to send a similar amount to KYIV this year. But he warned that this initiative needs more funds and that his ruling coalition is destroyed in parliamentary elections, which will be held by October.

Andrej Babi, the leader of the Eurocheptic Populist Ano Party, is leading the poll and signaled that it will prevent military aid to Ukraine.

Bobby opposes this ammunition initiative and opposes spending on defense, he is talking about peace without any conditions, Fiala said. He helps Vladimir Putin.

Bobby denied the support of the Russian president and said that he completely supported Trump in his peace negotiations.

Last year, BABI co -founded the third largest group in the European Parliament, with Viktor Orbn and Austrian right leader Herbert Kickl with Hungary Prime Minister Russia.




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