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Coronavirus Cheltenham Festival 2020 fears detente for now after statement by Boris Johnson


Fears that the coronavirus would end the 2020 Cheltenham Festival have subsided for the moment after Boris Johnson's message "business as usual".

The Prime Minister chaired an emergency meeting of the Cobra government on Monday, the forerunner of the production of an action plan for the country to try to contain the deadly virus.

The UK has 40 confirmed cases of coronavirus, including two in Gloucestershire.

The two cases are linked and the patients have caught the virus in northern Italy, one of the most affected regions.

In France, the government has banned gatherings of more than 5,000 people in confined spaces and the Paris half-marathon has been canceled.

The British Horseracing Authority is closely monitoring the situation, in consultation with ministers, with the start of the Cheltenham Festival in a week tomorrow.

Following its meeting in Cobra, the government reiterated today its position that business should continue as usual at present across the country, and that emphasis should continue to be put on following up on their advice regarding controlling the spread of the disease, "said a BHA spokesperson.

Cheltenham Racecourse Regional Director Ian Renton expects 2020 festival to go as planned
(Image: Getty)

"The industry steering group coordinates the sharing of this government advice with athletes.

The steering group remains in regular and permanent contact with the government and continues to consider a wide range of scenarios so that we can act quickly in case the situation changes.

Betfair's chances of running the Festival have diminished considerably following the Prime Minister's announcement.

The market has the meeting as 1 / 4f to obtain the green light and 3/1 to be canceled.

The buildup continued on Monday as Joe Tizzard revealed a gallop had put Lostintranslation "spot on" for Cheltenham and nominated their best chance to the prestigious light fixture.

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