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Here are all known cases of coronavirus in the United States



CHICAGO The number of known coronavirus cases in the United States increased over the weekend and Monday, with dozens of new diagnoses bringing total confirmations to 100.

Public health officials have reported that the virus is spreading among people with no history of international travel. Schools have closed. The governors have declared a state of emergency.

The New York Times has been tracking all cases in the United States for more than a month and maintains a database using information from federal, state and local authorities to keep an accurate count.

The number of patients treated in the United States remains a small fraction of those diagnosed abroad, where thousands of people have died and tens of thousands have been infected. Most states have had no confirmed cases.

But as the concern of a wider spread of the epidemic, here is what is known about current cases.

For weeks, almost all cases of coronavirus in the United States may have been directly linked to travel abroad or close personal contact with a person recently returned from a trip. In recent days, this has started to change.

Health officials in California, Oregon, and Washington State have all reported cases of the virus appearing in people with no history of high-risk travel, suggesting that it could spread without be detected in the United States.

The first deaths from coronaviruses in the United States were reported over the weekend in King County, Washington, which includes Seattle.

The first death, announced on Saturday, was of a man in his fifties suffering from underlying health problems. The second, announced on Sunday, was a sixty-year-old man who lived in the nursing home in Kirkland, Washington, where several cases have been identified.

Officials in Washington on Monday announced that four more people, including three residents of nursing homes, had died from the coronavirus. Other residents of this establishment were hospitalized in critical condition.

Although coronavirus has been diagnosed on both coasts and in the Midwest, it has mostly been concentrated in only a handful of states.

Together, California and Washington account for 60 of the cases. These patients include a mix of people who contracted the disease locally, traveled to China or were passengers on the Diamond Princess cruise ship, which docked in Japan after an epidemic on board. Doctors in Nebraska, where there is a The hospital unit specializing in biological containment treated 13 patients with coronavirus, all former passengers of Diamond Princess.

Health officials from Illinois, Florida, Oregon and Rhode Island have all reported several cases of coronavirus. And individual patients, all of whom had a history of high-risk travel, were treated in Arizona, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Utah and Wisconsin.

Forty-three Americans who have spent time on board the ship, where the virus has spread among passengers and crew, have been evacuated and treated in the United States.

These patients, who were flown from Japan on two US government flights, were treated at hospitals in California, Nebraska, Texas, Utah and Washington state.

Dr. Matt Willis, public health official for Marin County, California, said that a passenger from Diamond Princess who had tested positive was being monitored at a hospital. The patient, said Dr. Willis, was not sick at all and wanted to go home.

We were just waiting to see what would happen when the body fights the virus, said Dr. Willis. And it could potentially take weeks. And this is what has tied a precious hospital bed for a long time.

Although more and more unexplained cases have been identified, most people with coronavirus in the United States have recently spent time in a country with a larger epidemic.

A Washington state woman who traveled to South Korea was diagnosed late last week. On Sunday, the first diagnosis in New York was announced, involving a woman who had traveled to Iran.

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