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Delta to be the new official airline of the American Olympic team and sponsor of the Los Angeles 2028 Games


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At an event celebrating his 95e Anniversary tonight in Los Angeles, Delta Air Lines announced its partnership with the organizers of the 2028 Olympic Games in Los Angeles, LA28, to become the inaugural sponsor of the Games and the official airline of the United States Olympic and Paralympic teams.

According to L.A. Times, Delta signed a $ 400 million deal to become a sponsor of the 2028 Games while being designated the official airline for American athletes participating in the Olympic and Paralympic Games from January 2021. This means that the participants will take a Delta flight to Beijing in 2022, Paris in 2024, Milan -Cortina in 2026 and Los Angeles in 2028. The airline takes over this coat from United, which was the official airline of the American Olympic teams for 40 years.

Delta, for its part, was a former sponsor of the 1996 games in Atlanta and the 2002 games in Salt Lake City, the airline's two hubs. So it makes sense that the carrier has played a role in the Los Angeles games since Delta gradually built up a presence on the West Coast based in L.A. and is currently expanding its footprint to two terminals at LAX.

Speaking of the deal, Delta CEO Ed Bastian said that Delta's mission is to connect people and that nothing brings the world together like the Olympics and Paralympics. A partnership with LA28 is an investment in the future of LAs and a commitment to work together to create a more connected, equitable and sustainable world.

Casey Wasserman, President of LA28, said that Delta embodies the spirit and strength of the Los Angeles Games, and we are proud that they are embarking on this journey with us as an early and committed partner in the Olympic movement. and Paralympic. Athletes from over 200 nations and all over the country will descend to Los Angeles in just eight years. We embrace the passion and dedication of Deltas to connect all of these Olympic and Paralympic dreams and stories in the years to come.

In addition to its sponsorship and flight commitments, Delta will also partner with the LA28s Sustainability Collective, which will seek creative solutions to reduce the environmental impact of the Games in Los Angeles, as well as co-create the LA28 Volunteer Program, which will involve more than 25,000 community volunteers and employees.

The launch celebration took place at the iconic Griffith Park Observatory overlooking the city, and was hosted by Janet Evans, chief athletic chief of LA28, four-time American Olympic gold medalist. Other sports luminaries present include Kerri Walsh Jennings and Mallory Weggemann, as well as Michael Phelps, Ibtihaj Muhammad and Allyson Felix.

Delta has unveiled a concept livery for an LA28-themed Airbus A350 that pilots could see in the sky after the partnership takes effect in 2021. Through an agreement with NBCUniversal over the next eight years, Viewers can also expect to see the airline on cross-platform advertising as part of the coverage of the next four Olympic and Paralympic Games as airline involvement unfolds over the next eight years.

Not only does this news signal that Deltas is increasingly focusing on Los Angeles as a hub for its business, but it is also an interesting way to raise the profile of airlines to the American public and around the world through involvement in an institution that is among the last and greatest bastions of international cooperation and goodwill.


At an event celebrating his 95e Anniversary tonight in Los Angeles, Delta Air Lines announced its partnership with the organizers of the 2028 Olympic Games in Los Angeles, LA28, to become the inaugural sponsor of the Games and the official airline of the United States Olympic and Paralympic teams.

According to L.A. Times, Delta signed a $ 400 million deal to become a sponsor of the 2028 Games while being designated the official airline for American athletes participating in the Olympic and Paralympic Games from January 2021. This means that the participants will take a Delta flight to Beijing in 2022, Paris in 2024, Milan -Cortina in 2026 and Los Angeles in 2028. The airline takes over this coat from United, which was the official airline of the American Olympic teams for 40 years.

Delta, for its part, was a former sponsor of the 1996 games in Atlanta and the 2002 games in Salt Lake City, the airline's two hubs. So it makes sense that the carrier has played a role in the Los Angeles games since Delta gradually built up a presence on the West Coast based in L.A. and is currently expanding its footprint to two terminals at LAX.

Speaking of the deal, Delta CEO Ed Bastian said that Delta's mission is to connect people and that nothing brings the world together like the Olympics and Paralympics. A partnership with LA28 is an investment in the future of LAs and a commitment to work together to create a more connected, equitable and sustainable world.

Casey Wasserman, President of LA28, said that Delta embodies the spirit and strength of the Los Angeles Games, and we are proud that they are embarking on this journey with us as an early and committed partner in the Olympic movement. and Paralympic. Athletes from over 200 nations and all over the country will descend to Los Angeles in just eight years. We embrace the passion and dedication of Deltas to connect all of these Olympic and Paralympic dreams and stories in the years to come.

In addition to its sponsorship and flight commitments, Delta will also partner with the LA28s Sustainability Collective, which will seek creative solutions to reduce the environmental impact of the Games in Los Angeles, as well as co-create the LA28 Volunteer Program, which will involve more than 25,000 community volunteers and employees.

The launch celebration took place at the iconic Griffith Park Observatory overlooking the city, and was hosted by Janet Evans, chief athletic chief of LA28, four-time American Olympic gold medalist. Other sports luminaries present include Kerri Walsh Jennings and Mallory Weggemann, as well as Michael Phelps, Ibtihaj Muhammad and Allyson Felix.

Delta has unveiled a concept livery for an LA28-themed Airbus A350 that pilots could see in the sky after the partnership takes effect in 2021. Through an agreement with NBCUniversal over the next eight years, Viewers can also expect to see the airline on cross-platform advertising as part of the coverage of the next four Olympic and Paralympic Games as airline involvement unfolds over the next eight years.

Not only does this news signal that Deltas is increasingly focusing on Los Angeles as a hub for its business, but it is also an interesting way to raise the profile of airlines to the American public and around the world through involvement in an institution that is among the last and greatest bastions of international cooperation and goodwill.

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