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Michael Reillys TrackTown USA organizing committee is back to work on the postponed Olympic trials: Oregon track & field lundown


Michael Reilly, CEO of TrackTown USA, and Eugene’s local organizing committee are recalibrating after the US Olympic trials for athletics were delayed by a year due to the coronavirus pandemic.

This year’s trials were set to start a 10-day race on June 19 at the new Hayward Field.

Hayward is nearing the end of a two-year reconstruction project that has created a brand new facility on the site of the historic stadium of the University of Oregons.

When the Tokyo Olympics announced a year delay, testing followed suit. The Olympic Games are now scheduled to start on July 23, 2021. No new dates have been announced for the trials, although Reilly and TrackTown are operating on the assumption that they will be scheduled again in late June.

Working through these pieces with our partners from USA Track & Field and the USOPC (American Olympic and Paralympic Committee), Reilly said on determining a final schedule.

It is complicated. There are many interdependent moving parts.

Like all event organizers, they struggled with some of the complications of handling the postponement of a major multi-day championship such as the Olympic trials, said Reilly. “It is certainly a complex system. Each month, you spend a little time weaving all the different components that must come together to make it work.

To carry it over for a year, in some ways, you have to unwind and unwind some of these things that you’ve assembled, realign them, and then systematically apply the same weaving process.

It’s a big job, and TrackTown staff and volunteers swallowed when the postponement was announced.

Then, said Reilly, everyone went back to work.

I’m incredibly proud of how our team really bounced overnight, said Reilly. Immediately the next day was, OK, it’s going to be a year from now. What do we need to do to make sure that our mission is always accomplished and ready to go, which was well done by the athletes, well done by the spectators and welcomed everyone to the beautiful new Hayward Field.

Reilly said TrackTown was working through procedures to honor requests from people who had already purchased tickets for the 2020 trials.

We have certainly heard from people who want refunds, “said Reilly.” But the majority of the message we have received is that people are trying to make sure that we know they want to keep their seats.

For ticket buyers who want refunds, Reilly has asked for patience. The pandemic has complicated everything.

We were working as quickly as possible, he said.

– I met Craig Engels of Portland’s elite distance group of Pete Julians for this profile. Beneath the easy-going exterior of Engels is a serious runner who wants to be tall.

OK, more links:

Hayward Construction continues during the pandemic. (KLCC)

Rich Perelman of The Sports Examiner; Host the 2022 Outdoor World Championships in early summer run head first in Eugene’s allergy problem?

Vin Lananna talks about to be president from USA Track & Field in unprecedented time. He would like to see a coronavirus vaccine available before the Olympics. (Sports illustrated).

Philip Hersh in Globetrotting: How to Keep Olympic Sports afloat financially in a coronavirus shutdown that could last until … when?

Tokyo extends his approval contracts until 2021 for Olympic athletes. (ESPN)

In this vlog, the decathlete Mitch Modin riffer on complications to practice in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic while using his car like a giant sports bag.

Hurdles world champion Kori Carter uses social media to inject a little positivity in an uncertain world. (USA team)

Renaud Lavillenie likes to have fun, hes a pole vaulter and hes a little bored. (RunBlogRun)

Long jumper Kenyattia Hackworth is up to standard. (Athletics news)

Pandemic create another challenge for Paulo Amotun Lokoro, one of the most successful members of the refugee athlete team. (World athletics)

Sprinter prohibited Michelle-Lee Ahyes suspension be completed by the 2021 Olympics. (Trinidad & Tobago Guardian)

Elite coach Terrence Mahon talks about work during the war against the coronavirus. (RunBlogRun)

Ivy League nixes on eligibility extension for its spring sports athletes. (DyeStat)

Back on Washington outfielder Olivia Gruvers memorable performance at the Stanford Invitational 2019. (DyeStat)

Columnist Steve Ritchie discuss the history of athletics in Pac-12 (also Pac-8 and Pac-10). (Paul Merca)

Pacific Mountain Sports Federation names 11 The University of Portland tracks athletes in the All-Academic First Team. (UP)

USC Sport Director Mike Bohn Talk about the complications of the coronavirus that Trojans face. (SCNG)

Do not take the run for granted during the pandemic. (Outside)

Experts address concerns to run during the coronavirus pandemic. (Women’s race)

Portland Tribune’s Kerry Eggers: Punching after a 45 year run.

the cover page for

the bundle of links from Track & Field News.

the news links from

– Ken Goe

[email protected] | @KenGoe

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