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Richard Burgon Says Voters Will Regret Choosing Boris Johnson Over Jeremy Corbyn


<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "The Labor leadership candidate Richard Burgon has promised voters regret the day they chose Boris Johnson over Jeremy Corbyn. "data-reactid =" 32 "> Labor Vice-President Richard Burgon has promised voters that they will regret the day they chose Boris Johnson over Jeremy Corbyn.

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "In an interview with Yahoo News UK, follower of Corbyn Burgon said that Johnson would make people's lives worse as Prime Minister and that the electorate would become more and more disturbed by the way he treated UK "data-reactid =" 33 "> In an interview with Yahoo News UK, Loyalist Corbyn Burgon said that Johnson would make people's lives worse as Prime Minister and that the electorate would become more and more disturbed by the way he treated UK the communities.

Burgon also said that he was proud to be labeled a Corbyn Continuity Candidate as a mantra actively avoided by other leadership contestants and assistant leadership, even after Corbyn led the Plowing to his worst electoral defeat since 1935.

He said he would have voted for Corbyn again if he ran in the leadership election, but admitted that the party should learn the reasons why he was broken in the poll Decembers.

Burgon faces Rosena Allin-Khan, Dawn Butler, Ian Murray and Angela Rayner in the assistant leadership contest, for which ballots began last week.

(left to right) Richard Burgon, Angela Rayner, Rosena Allin-Khan, Dawn Butler and Ian Murray before the deputy leadership of the Labor Party at ACC Liverpool. (Photo by Danny Lawson / PA Images via Getty Images)

Deputy leadership contestants Richard Burgon, Angela Rayner, Rosena Allin-Khan, Dawn Butler and Ian Murray. (Danny Lawson / PA Images via Getty Images)

Citing Johnsons' management of the coronavirus outbreak, for which he announced an emergency meeting last week which is not expected to take place until three days later, the justice secretary said: It appears like a part-time PM. Wanting the weekend before it goes is not the way you normally handle an emergency.

Boris Johnson will be tested now. It is good for bluster and good for slogans, but now it has to take serious care of looking after the well-being of people in this country, and I'm not convinced it will, unfortunately.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson, right, and Labor Opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn, left, cross the Members' Hall after hearing the Queen's speech in Parliament in London on Thursday December 19, 2019. The British Parliament returns after the elections, for the official opening of Parliament. (Photo AP / Kirsty Wigglesworth, swimming pool)

Jeremy Corbyn and Boris Johnson before the Queen's speech in December. (AP / Kirsty Wigglesworth)

I think it will become less and less popular. I think a lot of people who voted for him will regret having voted for him because it is becoming increasingly clear that he is conservative. He could try to separate himself from the Conservative Party during the election by running a presidential campaign by trying to create a kind of personality cult. The reality is that he is a preservative.

I think people will be confused by the way he treats communities up and down this country, including those who lent him their vote. They will come to regret it.

The MP for Leeds East, speaking in his Westminster office, said that the wonderful Corbyn, on the other hand, would have been the most anti-racist Prime Minister in the history of our country, the most internationalist.

The wonderful thing about him was that he was not someone who maneuvered to reach this higher position (as a Labor leader). This would have allowed him to become a different type of MP. I truly believe that he would have been Prime Minister of the people.

<h3 class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Learn more: "Labor must stop thinking that Conservative voters are all assholes," says Ian Murray"data-reactid =" 85 "> Learn more: "Labor must stop thinking that Conservative voters are all assholes," says Ian Murray

Like Butler, Burgon said the policies of the 2019 Labors manifesto, including the nationalization of rail and river services, the provision of a minimum wage of 10 hours and the provision of free broadband for everything the world had to stay put.

We cannot throw the baby out of the bath water, because it was not our socialist policy that made us lose the elections, he insisted.

I am proud of what Diane Abbott, John McDonnell and Jeremy have accomplished politically. If people want to describe me as the candidate for Corbyn's continuity, I am proud to have this coat because it is my policy.

HASTINGS, ENGLAND - JANUARY 17: Labor Party leader Jeremy Corbyn (R) sits next to Shadow Home Secretary Diane Abbott (C) Shadow Justice Secretary Richard Burgon (L) before a speech at a rally in St Mary & # 39; s in the Castle on January 17, 2019 in Hastings, England. British Prime Minister Theresa May won a vote of no confidence last night called by opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn after the government's historic defeat in the significant vote. (Photo by Jack Taylor / Getty Images)

Richard Burgon with Diane Abbott and Jeremy Corbyn at a rally in Hastings in January of last year. (Jack Taylor / Getty Images)

This does not mean that we could not have done better and that we do not have to learn from defeat. But we cannot abandon these socialist policies.

Burgon criticized Brexit's position on the Labors, a commitment to negotiate a new deal with the EU and to present it in a second referendum saying it forced partisan Labor voters to leave supporters to overlook party loyalty. Meanwhile, he conceded to Johnsons that the Brexit mantra was smart.

Rival candidate Butler previously told Yahoo News UK that she would not target conservative voters, as that would mean playing with some sort of conservative narrative. Burgon flatly rejected it.

<h3 class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Learn more: "Labor party can win next election with Jeremy Corbyn manifesto," says Dawn Butler"data-reactid =" 116 "> Learn more: "Labor party can win next election with Jeremy Corbyn manifesto," says Dawn Butler

The goal of a political party is to persuade people to vote for you, he said. We have to convince the people who voted in the past for the Conservatives, Lib Lib and Green, and the people who do not vote at all. There should be no blackouts for the Labor Party.

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Tony Blair, the only Labor leader to win an election since 1974 is considered the least popular figurehead of the party among members. Perhaps surprisingly, Burgon known for his anti-war stance and his fire-brand speeches at left-wing rallies did not fire Prime Minister Blairs. "Data-reactid =" 118 "> Tony Blair, the only Labor leader to win an election since 1974, is considered the least popular figurehead of the party among members. Perhaps surprisingly, Burgon known for his anti-war stance and his fiery mark speeches at left rallies did not fire Blairs.

I joined the Labor Party in the mid-90s when Tony Blair was the leader, he said.

Ive worked and campaigned for the Labor Party under four leaders: Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, Ed Miliband and Jeremy. I have always been proud to campaign for Labor. But the shift to the left under Jeremy represents the part of the party from which I came.

London, ENGLAND - March 01: Labor MP, Richard Burgon, Shadow Secretary of State for Justice and Shadow Lord Chancellor attends Andrew Marr & # 39; s BBC Political Sunday Morning Show & # 39; The Andrew Marr Show at BBC Broadcasting House on 01 March 2020 in London, England. (Photo by Ollie Millington / Getty Images)

Richard Burgon pictured before a BBC interview on Sunday. (Ollie Millington / Getty Images)

The Labor Party has over 500,000 members and is the largest political party in Western Europe. As deputy chief, Burgon said he would push to increase membership to one million, with 50 community champions in each of the 100 target seats.

He continued: In the long run, as a goal, it would be fantastic to see a Labor party rooted enough in communities to actually have street captains: someone who relays to Labor locally, then relays to Labor in National level.

If the Labor Party is only a party in Parliament, it would not regain the trust of the communities.

Richard Burgon: quick questions

Summarize Corbyn's leadership in one word.

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Anti-establishment. The hyphen makes it a word."data-reactid =" 146 ">Anti-establishment. The hyphen makes it a word.

What was your last conversation with Corbyn?

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "He sent me a message the other day to see how I was doing and I told him what I was doing. It was nothing particularly deep, I'm afraid. He mentioned that Leeds United had won, so his good eyes are looking at Leeds' fortune as well as Arsenals."data-reactid =" 148 ">He sent me a message the other day to see how I was doing and I told him what I was doing. It was nothing particularly deep, I'm afraid. He mentioned that Leeds United had won, so his good eyes are looking at Leeds' fortune as well as Arsenals.

Who is your favorite Labor leader in your life?

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Jeremy Corbyn."data-reactid =" 150 ">Jeremy Corbyn.

What was your first thought when you saw the exit poll on election night?

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Devastated."data-reactid =" 152 ">Devastated.

Would you like Corbyn to be in the shadow cabinet?

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Yes. I think the best role for him would be that of shadow foreign minister. Whatever happens, I think Jeremy has an important contribution to make."data-reactid =" 154 ">Yes. I think the best role for him would be that of shadow foreign minister. Whatever happens, I think Jeremy has an important contribution to make.

If you don't become an assistant chef, which of the other four would you like to win?

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "I think it would be unfair. If I recommend others, I am sure they would lose the votes of their main supporters."data-reactid =" 156 ">I think it would be unfair. If I recommend others, I am sure they would lose the votes of their main supporters.

How many Conservative MPs are you friends with?

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "I don't even have time to see my family and my own friends as much as I would like, so you are not going to surprise me looking for the company of Conservative MPs."data-reactid =" 158 ">I don't even have time to see my family and my own friends as much as I would like, so you are not going to surprise me looking for the company of Conservative MPs.

Of all the Conservative members, who do you respect the most?

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Bob Neill. He did a great job as chair of the select justice committee. As secretary of parallel justice, his interventions were objective, useful and well documented."data-reactid =" 160 ">Bob Neill. He did a great job as chair of the select justice committee. As secretary of parallel justice, his interventions were objective, useful and well documented.

<h3 class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Brexit briefing: 303 days until the end of the transition period"data-reactid =" 161 ">Brexit briefing: 303 days until the end of the transition period

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