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The friction hinders the EU’s efforts to divert liquidation in the UK.


Since the Brexit referendum four years ago, European politicians and policymakers have been concerned that the eurozone’s responsibility for market stability will be out of the block.

After the 2008 financial crisis, their concerns about market movements that destabilize the euro have focused on liquidation, an awkward activity that prevents the spread of defaults through markets like wildfires.

The industry has become one of the pillars of the efforts of global regulators to strengthen the market after it nearly collapsed in 2008. They sit between the two sides of the trade in the securities and derivatives markets and manage the risk of the counterparty getting out. Pocket if one side is default.

In the case of the EU, this important business was handled in the City of London. The day before the referendum, the London Stock Exchange Group’s LCH handled 95% of all Euro denominated interest rate derivatives and more than one-third of Euro denominated redemption agreements where banks lent assets in exchange for short-term financing. .

The imminent departure of the UK from a single market has raised two questions. Can the European Union quit and move business in London?


The answer to the first is comprehensive. Brexit EU’s top negotiator Michel Barnier publicly questioned whether it is in the long-term economic interests of the Bloc to allow the City of London to remain “so excellent” in serving European customers.

Mairead McGuinness, the EU’s new head of financial regulation, is also resolute. “It is clear that the EU is heavily dependent on the UK central counterpart, and it is important to reduce the exposure of EU clearing members. [them]“She talked about Euro denominated derivatives at the European Parliament last October.

But such counsel had mixed results. There was no regulatory obligation to require business movement and relied on the market to solve the problem itself.

The EU’s greatest success has been the transfer of Eurozone Treasury liquidation to Paris along with its business in the redemption or repo market.

Michel Barnier questioned whether it would be the bloc’s interest to allow the city to maintain its’so prominent position’.

Eurozone debt and the 2011-12 crisis are a sensitive topic for the EU as LCH UK has increased treason liquidation margins in Spain, Ireland and Portugal, while increasing anxiety about the euro. The lipo market is little known, but it plays an important oil role in the movement of billions of dollars and euros. Banks and investors use the market to find cash in the short term and provide high-quality collateral such as government bonds. These assets are deposited daily in the clearing house.

The European Central Bank also sees the repo market as a channel to increase liquidity and funding into the market in a crisis situation, as movements in short-term repo rates affect the financing conditions of banks and ultimately businesses and families.

It was planned ahead of a referendum, but LCH began managing eurozone government debt from Paris in 2017. Now the French capital is now a major hub, liquidating 80% of its 200 trillion euros of business per year compared to 2/5 of 2016. As its influence grows, this year it has started liquidating bonds issued as part of an EU program to fund employment plans.


However, authorities have been less successful in converting Euro denominated derivatives. The UK was the largest derivatives trading hub in Europe in 2019. According to data from market regulator Esma, four-fifths of the 681 trillion euros market has been unchanged from UK domestic counterparties since 2018.

Executives running bank clearing operations are refusing to move their portfolio of thousands of derivatives contracts out of London because it’s a lengthy and costly job, which is at a disadvantage compared to US and UK rivals who can use London. Some also argue that interest rate derivatives have little effect on the stability of the euro.

Faced with a firm stance, the EU has issued a temporary permit to avoid interruptions as the UK leaves the transition.

Deutsche Börse tried to persuade the market to move the euro business to Frankfurt with limited success. Although more than 500 banks and fund managers have connected to the Eurex clearing house to liquidate derivatives, less than half of the 18 trillion euro business is more consequential and long-term interest rate swaps. The latter business remains in London and €84 trillion has been liquidated.

In early November, Eurex made a new push, offering discounts to users over the next three years. Matthias Graulich, Eurex Clearing Board Member, said, “We want market participants to more easily comply with regulatory agency requirements and move the swap business to the European Union.

Brussels served the market until mid-2022 to move its portfolio and reduce exposure. If there is no response, more urgent questions will come.

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